Mathematical modeling and computing. 2015, 2 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Mathematical modeling and computing 2015. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Bezverkhyi O. I., Zinchuk L. P., Karlash V. L. Modeling of the piezoceramic resonator electric loading conditions based on experimental data. - C. 115-127.
- Chekurin V. F., Postolaki L. I. A variational method of homogeneous solutions for axisymmetric elasticity problems for cylinder. - C. 128-139.
- Gachkevich M. G., Gachkevich O. R., Torskyy A. R., Dmytruk V. A. Mathematical models and methods of optimization of technological heating regimes of the piecewise homogeneous glass shell. State-of-the-art investigations. - C. 140-153.
- Kostrobij P. P., Grygorchak I. I., Ivaschyshyn F. O., Markovych B. M., Viznovych O. V., Tokarchuk M. V. Mathematical modeling of subdiffusion impedance in multilayer nanostructures. - C. 154-159.
- Kushnir R. M., Popovych V. S., Rakocha I. I. Mathematical modelling, determination and analysis of the thermostressed state in a thermosensitive three-layer hollow cylinder subjected to the convective-radiative heating. - C. 160-175.
- Lukiyanets B. A., Matulka D. V. Effect of magnetic feld on quantum capacitance of the nanoobject. - C. 176-182.
- Nahirnyj T. S., Tchervinka K. A. Wave processes in the locally nonhomogeneous solids. - C. 183-190.
- Stasyuk I. V., Velychko O. V. Electron spectrum of intercalated stage ordered layered structures: Periodic Anderson model approach. - C. 191-203.