Український фізичний журнал. 2014, 59 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Український фізичний журнал 2014. Вип. 3 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Preface. - C. 207.
- Curmei N. D., Klishevich G. V., Melnyk V. I. Low-temperature electron spectra of impurities in naphtalene crystals. - C. 209-215.
- Kuznetsov D., Myagchenko Yu., Slobodyanyuk O. The excitation spectra of singlet oxygen and photoluminescence of methyl pheophorbide-a. - C. 216-219.
- Tukhvatullin F. N., Tashkenbaev U. N., Jumabaev A., Hushvaktov H. A., Absanov A. A., Hudoyberdiev B. Manifestation of intermolecular interactions in raman spectra and ab initio calculations of molecular aggregation in liquid ethylene glycol. - C. 220-223.
- Kuyliev B. T., Orlova N. D., Pozdnyakova L. A., Meyliev L. O., Rahmonova M. A., Huzhamberdieva Zh. N. Vibrational-rotational interaction in molecules of the spherical top type. - C. 224-227.
- Closca V., Zelinschi C. B., Babusca D., Dorohoi D. O. Solvent empirical scales for electronic absorption spectra. - C. 228-234.
- Prorok V. V., Ganushevich A. P., Makarenko T. I., Ostashko V. V. Poperenko L. V., Melnichenko L. Yu. Strontium and calcium relations in plant and soil solution on Chornobyl-affected areas. - C. 235-239.
- Yashchuk V. M., Navozenko O. M., Slominskii Yu. L., Grazulevicius J. V., Kachkovsky O. D., Naumenko A. P. Peculiarities of electronic processes in high-fluorescence boron-containing composite films. - C. 240-247.
- Kernazhitsky L., Shymanovska V., Gavrilko T., Naumov V., Fedorenko L., Kshnyakin V., Baran J. Laser-excited excitonic luminescence of nanocrystalline TiO2 powder. - C. 248-255.
- Otajonov Sh., Eshchanov B., Isamatov A. Study of molecular dynamics of condensed states of a substance by spectroscopy. - C. 256-258.
- Маренков В. І. Радіовипромінювання наночастинок гетерогенної плазми з конденсованою дисперсною фазою. - C. 259-269.
- Ilchenko O. O., Nikonova V. V., Kutsyk A. M., Obukhovsky V. V. Quantitative analysis of complex formation in acetone−chloroform and ethyl acetate−cyclohexane solutions. - C. 270-277.
- Ostapenko N. I., Ostapenko Y. V., Kerita O. A. Formation of the liquid-crystalline phase in poly(Di-n-hexylsilane). - C. 278-285.
- Grechnev G. E., Logosha A. V., Lyogenkaya A. A., Grechnev A. G., Fedorchenko A. V. Electronic structure and properties of novel layered superconductors. - C. 286-293.
- Baran J., Davydova N. A., Drozd M., Ponezha E. A., Reznichenko V. Ya. Nature of the dynamic crossover in orthoterphenyl. - C. 294-300.
- Popovskii A. Yu., Mikhailenko V. I. Thickness dependence of refractivity in wall-adjacent epitropic liquid crystal. - C. 301-304.
- Baran J., Drozd M., Gavrilko T. A., Styopkin V. I. Structure, molecular dynamics, and thermotropic properties of stearic acid-CTAB catanionic surfactants with different molar ratios. - C. 305-314.
- Cheptea C., Ivan L. M., Dorohoi D. O., Sunel V., Hurjui I., Saveanu C. I., Galaction A. I. Optimized synthesis and spectral characterization of some hydrazones based on 5-nitroindazole with pharmacological potential. - C. 315-321.
- Krivchikov A. I., Vdovychenko G. A., Korolyuk O. A., Romantsova O. O. Thermal conductivity of molecular crystals with self-organizing disorder. - C. 322-328.
- Vyshnevskyy S. Yu., Dmitruk I. M., Naumenko A. P., Bricks Yu. L., Slominskii Yu. L. Influence of CdSe nanoparticles on stability of polymethine dyes in water. - C. 329-333.
- Shynkarenko Y., Dmytruk A., Dmitruk I., Blonskyi I., Korenyuk P., Sönnichsen C., Kotko A. Transient absorption of gold nanorods induced by femtosecond laser irradiation. - C. 334-338.
- Kornienko M., Naumenko A. The vibrational band enhancements for active and "silent" vibrations in the raman and IR spectra of fullerene C60 nanofilms. - C. 339-346.
- Блонський I. В., Кадан В. М., Шпотюк О. Й., Коренюк П. I., Пузiков В. М., Гринь Л. О. Фiламентацiя в областi перетину двох фемтосекундних лазерних променiв у сапфiрi. - C. 347-352.