Journal of thermoelectricity. 2016 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of thermoelectricity 2016. Вип. 4 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Gaidar G. P., Baranskii P. I. Effect of thermal treatment on drag Seebeck coefficient anisotropy parameter of transmutation-doped silicon crystal. - C. 5-12.
- Nikolaeva A., Konopko L., Huber T., Bodiul P., Popov I., Moloshnik E., Gergishan I. The impact of dimensions, magnetic field, elastic deformation on the thermoelectric figure of merit of the topological insulator wires based on semiconductor Bi1-xSbx wires. - C. 13-22.
- Doroshenko A. N., Rogacheva E. I., Drozdova A. A., Martynova K. V., Men’shov Yu. V. Thermoelectric properties of polycrystalline Bi1-xSbx solid solutions in the concentration range x = 0 – 0.25. - C. 23-36.
- Аliev F. F., Yuzbashov E. R., Maharramov F. B., Аgayeva U. M., Zarbaliev M. M., Veliyeva B. A. Thermoelectric figure of merit of TlIn1-xYbxTe2 (0 х 0.10). - C. 37-43.
- Romaka V. A., Romaka L. P., Stadnyk Yu. V., Krayovskyy V. Ya, Romaka V. V., Horyn A. A. Research on electrical conductivity mechanisms of thermoelectric material based on n-ZrNiSn doped with Ga. - C. 44-58.
- Shafranyuk V. P. Study of damaged layer depth in thermoelectric materials by X-ray diffraction interferometry. - C. 59-66.
- Kobylianskyi R. R. Computer simulation of medical-purpose thermoelectric sensor readings. - C. 67-74.
- Prybyla A. V. Thermoelectric conditioner with uniformly distributed modules for a human. - C. 75-80.
- Anatychuk L. I, Mykhailovsky V. Ya., Maksimuk M. V., Andrusiak I. S. Experimental research on thermoelectric automobile starting pre-heater operated with diesel fuel. - C. 81-90.