Journal of thermoelectricity. 2012 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of thermoelectricity 2012. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Casian A. I., Gorelov B. M., Dubrovin I. V. State of the art and prospects of thermoelectricity on organic materials. - C. 7-16.
- Maradudina O. N., Lyubushkin R. A., Lojkowski W., Ivanov O. N. Preparation of nanocrystalline Bi2Te3 via microwave-solvothermal synthesis and hot isostatic pressure. - C. 17-21.
- Romaka V. A., Stadnyk Yu. V., Rogl P., Romaka L. P., Hlil E. K., Krayovskyy V. Ya., Horyn A. M. Features of defect formation and electroconductivity mechanisms in HfNi1–xCoxSn thermoelectric material. - C. 22-31.
- Basu R., Bhattacharya S., Bhatt R., Meshram K. N., Singh A., Aswal D. K., Gupta S. K. Development of thermoelectric devices based on n-type PbTe/p-type TAGS-85 ((AgSbTe2)0.15(GeTe)0.85) and n/p-type Si-Ge alloy. - C. 32-38.
- Anatychuk L. I., Prybyla A. V. The effect of heat-exchange systems on the efficiency of thermoelectric devices. - C. 39-43.
- Strutynska L. T., Bilinsky-Slotylo V. R., Mykhailovsky V. Ya. Computer design of segmented PbTe based thermoelectric modules. - C. 44-49.
- Molodyk A. V., Smolyar G. A., Lozbin D. V. Combination of power converters as a method for solving the problems of modern instrument making. - C. 50-58.
- Cherkez R. G. Energy characteristicsof thermoelement with a developed lateral heat exchange. - C. 59-68.
- Anatychuk L. I., Mochernyuk R. M. The accuracy of thermoEMF measurement by the probe method. - C. 69-75.
- Tuz Yu. M., Dobrolyubova M. V., Artyukhova Yu. V., Strunina Yu. A., Bodnaruk V. I., Taschuk D. D. AC voltage unit standard based on thermoelectric converters. - C. 76-88.
- Lukyan ivanovych Anatychuk (Dedicated to 75th birthday). - C. 89-90.
- Kakramanov K. Sh. Dedicated to 75th birthday. - C. 91.
- Oleg Borisovich Sokolov (Dedicated to 75th birthday). - C. 92.
- Mikhail Ivanovich Fedorov (Dedicated to 60th birthday). - C. 93.