Економічний вісник Донбасу. 2015 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Економічний вісник Донбасу 2015. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Petrova V. Hicksian Income and Contemporary Accounting. - C. 5-11.
- Rozmainsky I. V. The Big-bang Strategy and Non-rational Behavior in the Russian Transitional Economy in the 1990s. - C. 12-17.
- Payonk K., Lyashenko V., Kvilinskyi O. Operation of a Business Entity in the Context of Globalization. - C. 18-23.
- Lis P., Mazurkiewicz J. Combating Energy Poverty in the Social Housing Stock. - C. 24-32.
- Kolosov A. M. The Factors of Economic Mechanism for Recovery the Domestic Market of Donbas. - C. 33-37.
- Blashchyk P., Zvershchlevsky S. Challenges for the Nominal Convergence in Poland in the Face of the Uniform Policy of the Eurozone. - C. 38-44.
- Shabalina L. V., Karaman E. G. The Ways of Improving the Efficiency of the Import Substitution Strategy of Russian Federation. - C. 45-51.
- Kovalova O., Gavrysh O. School Social Educators’ Group Work in Germany. - C. 52-54.
- Logutova T., Poltoratskyi M. Comprehensive Modernization of Railway Transport as an Innovative Efficient Instrument to Raise Competitive Capacity of a Company. - C. 55-59.
- Rad N. S. Conception of the Present-day Pension System as a Result of Transformation Processes in Global Determination. - C. 60-70.
- Simeonova R. Methods and Systems for Allocating and Reporting Indirect Costs in Management Accounting. - C. 71-75.
- Dimitrov P. V. Set-off as a Means for Extinguishing Financial (Public) Obligations in the Republic of Bulgaria. - C. 76-81.
- Derevyanko O. V. Assessment of Competitiveness of Commercial Banks and Method of Detection Competitors in the Banking Market. - C. 82-89.
- Bessonova S. I. Non-Negotiable Assets Accounting and Analysis of their Status. - C. 90-92.
- Akimova O. V. The Use of Typological Research in the System of Internal Financial Monitoring. - C. 93-99.
- Usik I. A. Financial Cycles Nature and its Role in the Crisis Processes Development. - C. 100-104.
- Stolyarov V. F., Artemenko D. M. Specifics of Determining the Market Assessment Rights Requirement for Obligations Arising from the Implementation of the Bank Credit Operations of Different Quality that are Secured and Unsecured Collaterally. - C. 105-110.
- Ivanova Z. S. Risks Associated with the Market Behaviour of Bulgarian Industrial Enterprises. - C. 111-116.
- Rogoza M. E., Vergal K. Yu. Investigation of the Integrated Trade Structure Environment Using Agentoriented Approach. - C. 117-121.
- Ivchenkova H. Y., Lyakh A. O. Analysis of Mathematical Methods and Models which are Used for the Process of Management of Commodity Stocks in Retail Trade. - C. 122-124.
- Ivanova M. І. Studies of Formation and Content of the Term ‘Logistics Activities’: Theoretical Aspects. - C. 125-130.
- Gonchar V., Kalinin O. Marketing Aspects of Steady Growth Business Strategy. - C. 131-135.
- Khomenko Y. V., Khomenko I. A., Borodina E. S. The Impact of Globalization on Corporate Culture and Communication. - C. 136-138.
- Drachuk Yu. Z., Trushkina N. V. Development of Innovative Business on Principles Public-Private Partnerships. - C. 139-145.
- Vishnevsky A. S. Paradigmatic Basics of Strategic Management. - C. 146-150.
- Tubychko K. V., Zaruba V. Y., Pignasty O. M., Khodusov V. D. The Overview of Manufactured Systems Models. - C. 151-161.
- Naberezhnyh T. S., Shevchenko N. Y. Planning of Steady Industrial Enterprise Development under Condition of Environment Instability. - C. 162-166.
- Gavrylov M., Zerkina O. Methodological Bases of Personnel Policy Formation in the Context of Innovative Development of the Region. - C. 167-171.
- Bersutska S., Kamenska O. Formalization of an Industrial Enterprise Human Capital under the Innovation Development Conditions. - C. 172-176.
- Shaulska L. V., Sereda G. V., Shkurat M. Y. The Development of Soft Skills in the Provision of Competitiveness of Graduates. - C. 177-181.
- Parkhomenko Yu. M. The Development of Social Investment and Responsibility of Business in Ukraine. - C. 182-185.
- Boychenko V. The Formation of the Key Assets of Human Capital at the Corporate Level. - C. 186-190.
- Kabachenko G. Features of Formation and Development of the Youth Segment of the Regional Labour Market. - C. 191-195.
- Вихідні дані.