Механiзм адсорбо-каталiтичної активностi наноструктурованої поверхнi кремнiю, легованої кластерами перехiдних металiв та їх оксидами / Литовченко В. Г., Горбанюк Т. І., Солнцев В. С. (2017)
| Ukrainian Journal of Physics / Issue (2017, 62 (7))
Lytovchenko V. H., Horbaniuk T. I., Solntsev V. S. Mechanism of adsorption-catalytic activity at the nanostructured surface of silicon doped with clusters of transition metals and their oxides
Cite: Lytovchenko, V. H., Horbaniuk, T. I., Solntsev, V. S. (2017). Mechanism of adsorption-catalytic activity at the nanostructured surface of silicon doped with clusters of transition metals and their oxides. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 62 (7), 601-610. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000754456 [In Ukrainian]. | Paradigmatic Basics of Strategic Management / Vishnevsky A. S. (2015)