Journal of thermoelectricity. 2013 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of thermoelectricity 2013. Вип. 4 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Gorsky P. V., Mikhalchenko V. P. Method for kinetic coefficients averaging over the size of particles and its impact on predicted figure of merit of nanostructured thermoelectric material. - C. 5-10.
- de Tomás C., Cantarero A., Lopeandia A. F., Alvarez F. X. Lattice thermal conductivity of silicon nanowires. - C. 11-18.
- Budnik A. V., Rogacheva E. I., Sipatov A. Yu. Effect of fabrication technique on the structure and thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te3 films. - C. 19-26.
- Morozova N. V., Shchennikov V. V. Thermoelectric power of rare-earth metal row over a wide range of pressures. - C. 27-35.
- Culebras M., Gomez C. M., Cantarero A. Thermoelectric materials based on poly (3, 4-ethylendioxythiophene). - C. 36-42.
- Ivanova L. D., Molokanov V. V., Krutilin A. V., Umnov P. P., Umnova N. V., Uryupin O. N., Shabaldin A. A. Use of the Taylor-Ulitovsky method to prepare thermoelectric materials of bismuth and antimony telluride solid solution. - C. 43-47.
- Freik D. M., Dzundza B. S., Yavorsky Ya. S., Kostyuk O. B., Lyuba T. S. Thermoelectric properties of PbTe-Bi2Te3 solid solutions thin films. - C. 48-53.
- Kakhramanov K. Sh., Aleskerov F. K., Kakhramanov S. Sh., Nasibova S. A. Self-organization of low-dimensional nanostructures in layered crystals of A2VB3VI type. - C. 54-66.
- Anatychuk L. I., Mochernyuk Yu. M., Prybyla A. V. Solar thermoelectric energy converters. - C. 67-72.
- Anatychuk L. I., Mykhailovsky V. Ya., Semizorov A. F., Strutynska L. T., Kashtelyan A. F., Maksimuk M. V. Catalytic heat source with a thermoelectric generator. - C. 73-77.
- Ismailov T. A., Yevdulov O. V., Khazamova M. A., Gidurimova D. A. Experimental investigations of thermoelectric device for the therapy of whitlow. - C. 78-84.
- Vasyl Mykolayovych Hodovanyuk (Dedicated to 60-th birthday). - C. 87.