інтернет-адреса сторінки:
Journal of thermoelectricity
В - 2017 /
Випуск (2013, № 4)
Ivanova L. D., Molokanov V. V., Krutilin A. V., Umnov P. P., Umnova N. V., Uryupin O. N., Shabaldin A. A.
Use of the Taylor-Ulitovsky method to prepare thermoelectric materials of bismuth and antimony telluride solid solution
Ivanova, L. D., Molokanov, V. V., Krutilin, A. V., Umnov, P. P., Umnova, N. V., Uryupin, O. N., Shabaldin, A. A. (2013). Use of the Taylor-Ulitovsky method to prepare thermoelectric materials of bismuth and antimony telluride solid solution. Journal of thermoelectricity, 4, 43-47. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0000756307