Вестник зоологии. 2015, 49 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Вестник зоологии 2015. Вип. 6 |
- Титул, содержание.
- Syrota Ya. Yu., Kharchenko V. O., Lyaskivskiy V. N., Kobylinsky V. V., Vasylkivska I. B. Finding of Two Species from the Tribe Synhimantea (Nematoda, Acuariidae) in the Kyiv Zoological Park. - C. 483-488.
- Korneyev V. A. A New Species of the Genus Ramuliseta (Diptera, Ctenostylidae) from Madagascar, with a Key to Species. - C. 489-496.
- Korneyev V. A. Review of the Genus Geloemyia (Diptera, Pyrgotidae), with Discussion of its Taxonomic Position. - C. 497-518.
- Apoltsev D. A., Rekovets L. I. Beavers of the Genus Trogontherium (Castoridae, Rodentia) from the Late Miocene of Ukraine. - C. 519-528.
- Kosowska B., Strzaea T., Moska M., Ratajszczak R., Dobosz T. Cytogenetic Examination of South American Tapirs, Tapirus terrestris (Perissodactyla, Tapiridae) from the Wroclaw Zoological Garden. - C. 529-536.
- Sarabeev V. Mortality of Juvenile Soiuy Mullet, Liza haematocheilus (Teleostei, Mugilidae), in the Sea of Azov Associated with Metacercariae (Digenea). - C. 537-550.
- Tytar V., Sobolenko L, Nekrasova O. Mezhzherin S. Using Ecological Niche Modeling for Biodiversity Conservation Guidance in the Western Podillya (Ukraine): Reptiles. - C. 551-558.
- Kovtun M. F., Stepanyuk Ya. V. The Development of Olfactory Organ of Triturus vulgaris (Amphibia, Caudata). - C. 559-566.
- Mikhailov K. G. On the Synonymy of Micaria modesta (Aranei, Gnaphosidae). - C. 567–568.