Збірник праць Інституту математики Національної академії наук України. 2013, 10 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Збірник праць Інституту математики Національної академії наук України 2013. Вип. 6 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Dydak J. Coverings and fundamental groups: a new approach. - C. 7-21.
- Golasinski M., de Melo T. Cyclic and cocyclic maps and generalized Whitehead products. - C. 22-34.
- Balcerzak B., Pierzchalski A. Derivatives of skew-symmetric and symmetric vector-valued tensors. - C. 35-55.
- Pavesic P. Formal aspects of topological complexity. - C. 56-66.
- Goncalves D. L., Libardi A. K. M., Penteado D., Vieira J. P. Fixed points on trivial surface bundles. - C. 67-85.
- Blaszczyk Z. Free A4-actions on products of spheres. - C. 86-96.
- Kubarski J. Koszul complexes and Chevalley's theorems for Lie algebroids. - C. 97-117.
- Kiszkiel J. M. The Lefschetz Theorem for multivalued maps. - C. 118-129.
- Buijs U., Murillo A. Rational homotopy type of free and pointed mapping spaces between spheres. - C. 130-139.
- Kuperberg K. Periodicity generated by adding machines. - C. 140-147.
- Golasinski M., Ruiz F. G. Spheres over finite rings and their polynomial maps. - C. 148-164.
- Bauval A., Goncalves D. L., Hayat C., Zvengrowski P. The Borsuk-Ulam Theorem for Double Coverings of Seifert Manifolds. - C. 165-189.
- Ruszkowski S. Time scale version of the Wazewski retract method. - C. 190-208.
- Biasi C., Monis T. F. M. Weak local Nash equilibrium - part II. - C. 209-223.
- Sharko V., Golcov D. Semi-free R1 action and Bott map. - C. 224-235.