Mathematical modeling and computing. 2017, 4 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски)
| Mathematical modeling and computing 2017. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Bandyrskii B., Hoshko L., Lazurchak I., Melnyk M. Optimal algorithms for computing multiple integrals. - C. 1-9.
- Bomba A., Boichura M. On a numerical quasiconformal mapping method for the medium parameters identiȀcation using applied quasipotential tomography. - C. 10-20.
- Hachkevych O., Terlets’kyi R., Turii O. The formulation and development of methods of solving thermomechanics problems for irradiated layered solids. - C. 21-36.
- Ilnytskyi H., Ilnytskyi J. Simple epidemiology model for a non-immune disease with ordinary and resistant carriers. - C. 37-42.
- Kovalets S., Limarchenko O. Determination of normal frequencies and modes of liquid sloshing in reservoir with variable bottom. - C. 43-47.
- Manziy O., Hladun V., Ventyk L. The algorithms of constructing the continued fractions for any rations of the hypergeometric Gaussian functions. - C. 48-58.
- Mazuriak N., Savula Ya. Numerical analysis of the advection-dìusion problems in thin curvilinear channel based on multiscale Ȁnite element method. - C. 59-68 .
- Musij R., Drohomyretska Kh., Oryshchyn O. Solutions of coupled problem of thermomechanics for electroconductive hollow cylinder under non-stationary electromagnetic actions. - C. 69-77 .
- Prytula N., Frolov V., Prytula M. Optimal scheduling of operating modes of the gas transmission system. - C. 78-86.
- Pyanylo Ya., Bratash O., Pyanylo G. Solving of dìerential equations systems in the presence of fractional derivatives using the orthogonal polynomials. - C. 87-95.
- Ryzha I., Matseliukh M. Carbon monoxide oxidation on the Pt-catalyst: modelling and stability. - C. 96-106.
- Vavrukh M., Smerechynskyi S., Dzikovskyi D. The inЀuence of the axial rotation on the degenerate dwarfs characteristics. - C. 107-115.