Economic annals-XXI. 2017 (166) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Economic annals-XXI 2017. Вип. 166 |
- Title, contents.
- Vertakova Yu., Plotnikov V. Problems of sustainable development worldwide and public policies for green economy. - C. 4-11.
- Hasanli Y., Ismayilova S. Econometric model of dependence between the oil prices, and the global external debt level and oil production. - C. 11-16.
- Fojtikova L. China’s trade competitiveness in the steel industry after 15 years of its membership in the WTO. - C. 16-19.
- Lyashenko V., Osadcha N., Galyasovskaya O., Knyshek O. Marketing prospects of small developed African countries assessment for traditional Ukrainian exports. - C. 20-25.
- Popadynets N., Shults S., Barna M. Differences in consumer buying behaviour in consumer markets of the EU member states and Ukraine. - C. 26-30.
- Azatbek T., Panzabekova A., Bekenova L., Yegizbayeva Zh. The share of drug trafficking in Kazakhstan’s GDP: methods for evaluation. - C. 31-36.
- Kyrylaha N., Chernenko V. Fire risk assessment in light of socio-economic factors. - C. 37-40.
- Anh Ph. Ch., Tuan N. Ph., Hoa H. T. Relationship between manufacturing strategy and firm performance: the empirical study of Vietnamese manufacturing plants. - C. 41-45.
- Yarova N., Vorkunova O., Khoteyeva N. Economic assessment of the alternative energy sources implementation for port enterprises. - C. 46-50.
- Ekimova K., Kolmakov V., Polyakova A. The credit channel of monetary policy transmission: issues of quantitative measurement. - C. 51-55.
- Nor S. M., Islam S. M. N. Further examination of the 1/N portfolio rule: a comparison against Sharpe-optimal portfolios under varying constraints. - C. 56-60.
- Puah Ch.-H., Liew V. Kh.-S., Tang M. M.-J. The pass-through effect of interest rate and asymmetric adjustment in Indonesia. - C. 61-66.
- Parkhomchuk M., Tsukanova N., Golovin A. Studying transactions of economic agents in the situation of insolvency (neo-institutional approach): the cases of France and Russia. - C. 67-71.
- Necula S.-C. Accounting decisions from the perspective of profitability. - C. 72-75.
- Storonyanska I., Benovska L. Risks of administrative and financial decentralisation: theoretical hypotheses and empirical assessment. - C. 76-79.
- Zheleznyakov S., Risin I. Reduction of social and economic asymmetry of territories in new economic conditions. - C. 80-85.
- Marynych T. Empirical assessment of long-term aspects of sustainable regional development. - C. 86-90.
- Hlavacek P. Use of innovation vouchers for the regional innovation environment development. - C. 91-95.
- Petrashchak O., Kolosinskyi Ie., Kolosinska M., Marych M. Youth satisfaction with the employment: a survey. - C. 96-99.
- Papadaki S., Novak P., Dvorsky J. Attitude of university students to entrepreneurship. - C. 100-104.
- Ovsyannikova N. The impact of the visual image of freelance on the identity formation of the freelance professional under contemporary socio-economic situation (based on image analysis in English- and Russian-language segments of the Internet). - C. 105-109.
- "Проект Европа – рецепт на последующие декады". - C. 110-112.