Economic annals-XXI. 2018 (174) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Economic annals-XXI 2018. Вип. 174 |
- Титул, зміст.
- Krysovatyy A., Mokiy A., Zvarych R., Zvarych I. Alterglobalization via the inclusive circular economy paradigm. - C. 4-9.
- Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė L., Pranskeviciute I. Contribution of the economic and social sector to economic development: the case of the UK, Sweden and Lithuania. - C. 10-15.
- Tikhonova A., Melnikova N., Vishnevskaya N. Readiness of Russian regions to digitize the economy. - C. 16-21.
- Kosova T., Slobodyanyuk N., Polzikova H., Šatanová A. Tax gap management: theory and practice. - C. 22-28.
- Gandilova S. T. K. Tourism and economic development: analysis and assessment of linkages. - C. 29-33.
- Dráb R., Kočišová K. Efficiency of the banks: the case of the Visegrad countries. - C. 34-42.
- Zabolotskyy T., Vitlinskyy V., Shvets V. Optimality of the minimum VaR portfolio using CVaR as a risk proxy in the context of transition to Basel III: methodology and empirical study. - C. 43-50.
- Taubayev A., Kuttybai M., Saifullina Yu., Borisova E., Kabdybay A. Public-private partnership development in Kazakhstan: a case study based on international benchmarking. - C. 51-57.
- Strelcova S., Janasova D., Simak L. Risk management at Slovak enterprises: an empirical study. - C. 58-62.
- Zaenchkovsky A. Prospects of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises participation in industrial clusters. - C. 63-68.
- Natorina A. Online retailers’ management system of marketing commodity policy. - C. 69-72.