Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. 2019, 91 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian Biochemical Journal 2019. Вип. 3 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Babenko L. M., Smirnov O. E., Romanenko K. O., Trunova O. K., Kosakіvskа I. V. Phenolic compounds in plants: biogenesis and functions. - C. 5-18.
- Ferenchuk Ye. O., Gerush I. V. Glutathione influence on energy metabolism in rat liver mitochondria under experimental nephropathy. - C. 19-24.
- Sevastyanov O. V., Shesterenko Yu. A., Ryzhak A. A., Romanovska I. I., Dziubliuk N. A., Varbanets L. D. Kinetics of casein hydrolysis by peptidase from Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis IMB B-7465. - C. 25-33.
- Manko B. O., Bilonoha O. O., Manko V. V. Adaptive respiratory response of rat pancreatic acinar cells to mitochondrial membrane depolarization. - C. 34-45.
- Shlykov S. G., Kushnarova-Vakal A. M., Sylenko A. V., Babich L. G., Chunikhin О. Yu., Yesypenko O. A., Kalchenko V. I., Kosterin S. O. Сalix |4| arene chalcone amides effects on myometrium mitochondria. - C. 46-55.
- Fafula R. V., Meskalo O. I., Besedina A. S., Nakonechnyi Io. A., Vorobets D. Z., Vorobets Z. D. Kinetic properties of Na+,K+-АТРase of spermatozoa from fertile and infertile men under effect of calix |4| arene C-107. - C. 56-64.
- Minchenko O. H., Viletska Y. M., Minchenko D. O., Davydov V. V. Insulin resistance in obese adolescents and adult men modifies the expression of proliferation related genes. - C. 65-77.
- Metelytsia L. O., Hodyna D. M., Kobzar O. L., Kovalishyn V. V., Semenyuta I. V. New anti-candida active nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates as inhibitors of farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase Candida albicans. - C. 78-89.
- Galkin O. Yu., Besarab O. B., Gorshunov Yu. V., Ivanova O. M. New monoclonal antibodies to the Chlamydia trachomatis main outer membrane protein and their immunobiological properties. - C. 90-98.
- Sokolenko V. L., Sokolenko S. V. Lipid profile parameters and oxidative processes intensity in the persons who have been affected by small doses of radiation. - C. 99-106.
- Виноградова Р. П., Данилова В. М., Комісаренко С. В. Розвиток знань з біохімії гормонів у роботах нобелівських лауреатів першої половини ХХ ст. Ф. Г. Бантинг, Д. Дж. Р. Маклеод, Г. О. Віланд, А. О. Віндаус, А. Бутенандт, Л. Ружичка, Е. Кендалл, Ф. Хенч, Т. Рейхштейн. - C. 107-126.
- Danylova T. V., Komisarenko S. V. Born in Ukraine: Nobel prize Winners Ilya Mechnikov, Selman Waksman, Roald Hoffmann, and Georges Charpak. - C. 127-137.