Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. 2020, 92 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian Biochemical Journal 2020. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Gerashchenko G. V., Vagina I. M., Vagin Yu. V., Kashuba V. I. Pattern of expression of immune- and stroma-associated genes in blood of mice with experimental B16 melanoma. - C. 5-11.
- Moghadam F. H., Mehrabani Z. H. A., Amounajaf M., Rahmanzadeh S., Ghasemvand F., Samghabadi A. S., Nejadmoghaddam A., Omidinia E. Proline dehydrogenase (PRODH) gene polymorphisms and the risk of schizophrenia in Iranian populations. - C. 12-20.
- Veklich T. O., Labyntseva R. D., Shkrabak O. A., Tsymbalyuk O. V., Rodik R. V., Kalchenko V. I., Kosterin S. O. Inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase and activation of myosin ATPase by calix|4|arene C-107 cause stimulation of isolated smooth muscle contractile activity. - C. 21-30.
- Tykhomyrov A. A., Zhernosekov D. D., Grinenko T. V. Plasminogen modulates formation and release of platelet angiogenic regulators. - C. 31-40.
- Korotkov S. M., Nesterov V. P., Belostotskaya G. B., Brailovskaya I. V., Novozhilov A. V., Sobol C. V. Influence of Tl+ on the Ca2+ and Na+ movement across rat neonatal cardiomyocytes and rat heart mitochondria membranes. - C. 41-55.
- Ali F., Akram S., Niaz S., Wajid N. Profiling of metabolic biomarkers in the serum of prostate cancer patients. - C. 56-65.
- Fedota O. M., Roschenyuk L. V., Tyzhnenko T. V., Puzik N. G., Vorontsov V. M., Ryzhko P. P. Methotrexate effect on biochemical indices of psoriasis patients depends on MTHFR gene polymorphism. - C. 66-74.
- Yaremchuk O. Z., Posokhova K. A., Kuzmak І. P., Kulitska M. I., Klishch I. М., Korda M. M. Indexes of nitric oxide system in experimental antiphospholipid syndrome. - C. 75-83.
- Gudzenko Т. V., Voliuvach O. V., Gorshkova O. G., Ostapchuk А. М., Ivanytsia V. O. Phenol-oxidizing activity and fatty acid profile of Brevibacillus centrosporus F14 strain. - C. 84-91.
- Moravej R., Alavi S. M., Azin M., Salmanian A. H. Production and physicochemical characterization of xanthan gum by native lactose consuming isolates of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri. - C. 92-102.
- Sehin T. B., Hnatush S. O., Maslovska O. D., Halushka A. A., Zaritska Y. H. Biochemical indicators of green photosynthetic bacteria Chlorobium limicola response to Cu2+ action. - C. 103-112.
- Kopylchuk H. P., Nykolaichuk I. M., Lylyk I. S. Indexes of citrulline metabolism in rat liver under the toxic injury against the background of alimentary protein deficiency. - C. 113-119.
- Polokhina K. V., Kytova D. E., Shtemenko A. V., Shtemenko N. I. Cytotoxic activity of the cluster rhenium compound with β-alanine ligands. - C. 120-126.
- Ketsa O. V., Marchenko M. M. Free radical oxidation in liver mitochondria of tumor-bearing rats and its correction by essential lipophilic nutrients. - C. 127-134.
- Виноградова Р. П., Данилова В. М., Комісаренко С. В. Внесок нобелівських лауреатів в дослідження метаболізму вуглеводів і його регуляцію. А. Гарден, Х. Ейлер-Гельпін, К. Ф. Корі, Г. Т. Корі, Е. Сазерленд, Л. Ф. Лелуар, Г. Кребс, Ф. Ліпман, П. Мітчел. - C. 135-163.