Фізика низьких температур. 2021, 47 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2021. Вип. 1 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Preface. - C. 3-4.
- Olshanetsky E. B., Kvon Z. D., Gusev G. M., Entin M. V., Magarill L. I., Mikhailov N. N. Thermo emf in a two-dimensional electron-hole system in HgTe quantum wells in the presence of magnetic field. The role of the diffusive and the phonon-drag contributions. - C. 5-10.
- Gudina S. V., Bogolubskiy A. S., Neverov V. N., Turutkin K. V., Shelushinina N. G., Yakunin M. V. Quasiclassical calculations of Landau level spectrum for 20.5-nm-wide HgTe quantum well: "extremum loop” model and effects of cubic symmetry. - C. 11-17.
- Savelyev A. P., Arapov Yu. G., Gudina S. V., Neverov V. N., Podgornykh S. M., Shelushinina N. G., Yakunin M. V. Localization and interference induced quantum effects at low magnetic fields in InGaAs/GaAs structures. - C. 18-23.
- Moiseev K. D., Golenitskii K. Yu., Averkiev N. S. Quantum insulator in a semimetal channel on a single type II broken-gap heterointerface in high magnetic fields. - C. 24-28.
- Skipetrov E. P., Konstantinov N. S., Bogdanov E. V., Knotko A. V., Slynko V. E. Resonant impurity level of Ni in the valence band of Pb1–xSnxTe alloys. - C. 29-37.
- Sokolov V. I., Gruzdev N. B., Churmanov V. N., Menshenin V. V., Emelchenko G. A. Deep state in the bandgap and photoluminescence of Zn1–xMnxO. - C. 38-45.
- Kulbachinskii V. A., Ezhikov N. S., Lunin R. A., Bulychev B. M. Synthesis and superconductivity of organometallic fullerides M(3–n)(NR4)(n)C60, where M = K, Rb; R = H, D, Me, Et, Bu; n = 1, 2, 3. - C. 46-57.
- Ezhikov N. S., Bulychev B. M., Lunin R. A., Kulbachinskii V. A. Superconductivity of potassium and rubidium heterofullerides modified with low-melting alloys. - C. 58-61.
- Marchenkov V. V., Emelyanova S. M. Low-temperature Hall effect and martensitic transition temperatures in magnetocaloric Ni50Mn35Sb15–xGex (x = 0, 1, 3) alloys. - C. 62-67.
- Marchenkov V. V., Perevozchikova Yu. A., Semiannikova A. A., Korenistov P. S., Marchenkova E. B., Domozhirova A. N. Features of the electroresistivity, magnetic and galvanomagnetic characteristics in Co2MeSi Heusler alloys. - C. 68-76.
- Semiannikova A. A., Kourov N. I., Korolev A. V., Perevozchikova Yu. A., Marchenkova E. B., Korenistov P. S., Domozhirova A. N., Marchenkov V. V. Magnetic and thermal properties of alloys close in composition to the spin gapless semiconductor Mn2CoAl. - C. 77-82.
- Altukhov I. V., Kagan M. S., Paprotskiy S. K., Khvalkovskiy N. A., Rodionov N. B., Bol'shakov A. P., Ral'chenko V. G., Khmel'nitskiy R. A. Electric field ionization of boron acceptors in single-crystalline diamond. - C. 83-87.
- Bogolubskiy A. S., Klepikova A. S., Rinkevich A. B., Neverov V. N., Nemytova O. V., Koroleva M. S., Piir I. V., Perov D. V. Dielectric and magnetic properties of holmium and ytterbium titanates. - C. 88-93.
- Lyapilin I. Spin relaxation in spiral magnetic structures. - C. 94-96.