. 2020, 1 АРХІВ (Всі випуски)  Mathematical modeling and computing. 2021, 8 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Mathematical modeling and computing 2021. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Horbatyi I. V. Calculation of symbol error rate in a telecommunication system based on amplitude modulation of many components. - C. 137-149.
- Gayvas B. I., Dmytruk V. A., Semerak M. M., Rymar T. I. Solving Stefan’s linear problem for drying cylindrical timber under quasi-averaged formulation. - C. 150-156.
- Mashkov O. A., Murasov R. K., Kravchenko Y. V., Dakhno N. B., Leschenko O. A., Trush A. V. Optimal forecast algorithm based on compatible linear filtration and extrapolation. - C. 157-167.
- Demkiv L. I., Lozynskyy A. O., Vantsevich V. V., Gorsich D. J., Lytvyn V. V., Klos S. R., Letherwood M. D. Mathematical model for temperature estimation forecasting of electrically conductive plate elements under action of pulsed electromagnetic radiation of radio-frequency range. - C. 168-183.
- Musii R. S., Melnyk N. B., Drohomyretska Kh. T., Zakaulova J. V. Thermomechanical behavior of an electrically conductive cylindrical implant under the action of external unstable electromagnetic fields. - C. 184-191.
- Shrestha S., Gurung D. B., Gokul K. C. Mathematical modeling of temperature variation in breast tissue with and without tumor/cyst during menstrual cycle. - C. 192-202.
- Moeinifar V., Gunduc S. Zealots’ effect on opinion dynamics in complex networks. - C. 203-214.
- Korobchynskyi M., Slonov M., Maryliv O., Lysenko S., Lehominova S., Lytvynska S. Method of structural functional-value modeling of a complex system with a mixed combination of subsystems. - C. 215-227.
- Jayanthi N., Santhakumari R. Synchronization of time invariant uncertain delayed neural networks in finite time via improved sliding mode control. - C. 228-240.
- Patil J. V., Vaze A. N., Sharma L., Bachhav A. Study of calcium profile in neuronal cells with respect to temperature and influx due to potential activity. - C. 241-252.
- Pawar D. D., Patil W. D., Raut D. K. Fractional-order mathematical model for analysing impact of quarantine on transmission of COVID-19 in India. - C. 253-266.
- Kostrobij P. P., Markovych B. M., Ryzha I. A., Tokarchuk M. V. Statistical theory of catalytic hydrogen oxidation processes. Basic equations. - C. 267-281.
- Ilnytskyi J. M. Modeling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the limit of no acquired immunity. - C. 282-303.
- Kinakh V., Oda T., Bun R., Novitska O. Mitigating geolocation errors in nighttime light satellite data and global CO2 emission gridded data. - C. 304-316.
- Nakonechnyi O. G., Podlipenko Yu. K. Optimal estimation of unknown data of periodic boundary value problems for first order linear impulsive systems of ordinary differential equations from indirect noisy observations of their solutions. - C. 317-329.
- Olyanyshen T. V., Storozhuk V. М., Yatsiuk R. A., Korzh H. I., Ratushniak Y. V., Melnikov A. V. Multicriteria problem of evaluation of the enterprise labor protection management system efficiency. - C. 330-337.
- Vavrukh M. V., Dzikovskyi D. V. Method of integral equations in the polytropic theory of stars with axial rotation. I. Polytropes n=0 and n=1. - C. 338-358.