Mathematical modeling and computing. 2020, 7 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Mathematical modeling and computing 2020. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Ahmedou Bamba S., Ellabib A., El Madkouri A. Simulation of heat distribution in the human eye using discontinuous dual reciprocity boundary element method and non-overlapping domain decomposition approach. - C. 1-13.
- Thakur G. K., Priya B. A novel computation for predicting time series using fuzzy logical distance connectivity function and visibility graph theory. - C. 14-21.
- Gnativ Z. Ya., Ivashchuk O. S., Hrynchuk Yu. M., Reutskyi V. V., Koval I. Z., Vashkurak Yu. Z. Modeling of internal diffusion mass transfer during filtration drying of capillary-porous material. - C. 22-28.
- Mashkov O. A., Chumakevich V. A., Mamchur Yu. V., Kosenko V. R. The method of inverse problems of dynamics for the synthesis of a system of stabilization of the movement of a dynamic object on operatively programmable trajectories. - C. 29-38.
- Makhorkin M. I., Skrypochka T. A., Torskyy A. R. The stress singularity order in a composite wedge of functionally graded materials under antiplane deformation. - C. 39-47.
- Chekurin V. F., Postolaki L. I. Axially symmetric elasticity problems for the hollow cylinder with the stress-free ends. Analytical solving via a variational method of homogeneous solutions. - C. 48-63.
- Vdovych A. S., Zachek I. R., Levitskii R. R., Moina А. Р. Influence of uniaxial and hydrostatic pressures and shear stress σ5 on the phase transition and thermodynamic properties of quasi-one-dimensional ferroelectrics of the CsH2PO4 type. - C. 64-78.
- Musii R. S., Melnyk N. B., Dmytruk V. A., Zhydyk U. V. Technological forecast of bearing capacity and properties of contact connection of bimetallic hollow spheres under electromagnetic pulses action. - C. 79-87.
- Zelenyak V. M. Mathematical modeling of stationary thermoelastic state in a half plane containing an inclusion and a crack due to local heating by a heat flux. - C. 88-95.
- El Yazidi Youness, Ellabib Abdellatif Reconstruction of the depletion layer in MOSFET by genetic algorithms. - C. 96-103.
- Vytvytska O. D., Martynyuk O. A., Shpak N. O., Karcheva G. T., Medynsky I. P., Nodzhak L. S. Structural-functional modeling for the determination of the company’s equilibrium conditions in the dynamic business environment. - C. 104-111.
- Zhuk Ya. O., Ostos O. Kh., Pyatetskaya O. V. Prestress effect on the thermomechanical response and fatigue life prediction of viscoelastic plates. - C. 112-124.
- Vavrukh M. V., Dzikovskyi D. V., Stelmakh O. M., Solovyan V. B. The calculation of photoionization cross-section of negative hydrogen ions in the Born approximation. - C. 125-139.
- Kostrobij P. P., Markovych B. M., Polovyi V. Ye. Frequency spectrum of surface plasmon-polariton waves: influence of Coulomb correlations. - C. 140-145.
- Mazuriak N. V., Savula Ya. H. Numerical investigation of advection–diffusion in an inhomogeneous medium with a thin channel using the multiscale finite element method. - C. 146-157.
- Medynsky I. P. On properties of solutions for Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations. - C. 158-168.
- Labay V. Yo., Yaroslav V. Yu., Dovbush O. M., Tsizda A. Ye. Mathematical modeling of an air split-conditioner heat pump operation for investigation its exergetic efficiency. - C. 169-178.
- Pyanylo Ya. D., Bratash O. B. The gas filtration in complex porous medium with stagnant zones. - C. 179-185.
- Seti Ju. O., Tkach M. V., Vereshko E. Ju., Voitsekhivska O. M. Modeling of optimized cascade of quantum cascade detector operating in far infrared range. - C. 186-195.
- Vlasyuk A. P., Zhukovskyy N. A., Zhukovskyy V. V. Mathematic and computer modeling of cohesion effect forces on spatial deformation processes of soil massif. - C. 196-205.