Science and innovation. 2022, 18 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Science and innovation 2022. Вип. 6 |
- Тitle.
- Contents.
- Heyets V. М., Podolets R. Z., Diachuk O. A. Post-War Economic Recovery of Ukraine in the Imperatives of Low-Carbon Development. - C. 3-16.
- Yegorov I. Yu., Kotlyarevskyy Yu. V., Mar-Chenko V. M., Osetskyi V. L., Daker E. Economic Instruments of Strategic Household Waste Management. - C. 17-29.
- Hrytsaienko M. I., Hrytsaienko H. I., Ko-Lomiiets V. M., Fesenko M. M. Social Capital in the Development of National Economic Systems. - C. 30-45.
- Sereda V. From the Rule of Law to Economic Efficiency and Increasing Level of Living: Economic and Legal Analysis (the Theoretical Aspect). - C. 46-59.
- Alpatov A. P., Kuznetsov O. P., Palii O. S., Lapkhanov E. O. Development of R&D Fra - mework for the Modernization of the Aerodynamic Deorbit System for the Use in the Upper Stage of Cyclone-1M Launch Vehicle. - C. 60-71.
- Boyun V. P., Bahatskyi O. V., Sabelnikov P. Yu., Sabelnikov Yu. A. Mobile Video System for Surveillance of Roadway and Roadside En – vironment. - C. 72-82.
- Glushchuk M. I., Shustakova G. V., Gordiyenko E. Yu., Fomenko Yu. V., Oliynyk G. A., Dvortcevyi V. V., Kremen V. O., Kovalov G. O., Chyzh M. O., Suprun K. G. Thermal Imaging Study of Human Soft Tissue Lesions and Biological Tissue Exposure to Low-Temperature in vivo. - C. 83-96.
- Pylypenko O. V., Dolgopolov S. I., Nikolayev O. D., Khoriak N. V., Kvasha Yu. A., Bashliy I. D. Determination of the Thrust Spread in the Cyclone-4M First Stage Multi-Engine Propusion System During Its Start. - C. 97-112.
- Yakymchuk R. A., Shchipak G. V., Shchipak V. G., Matviets V. G., Matviets N. M., Wos H. Breeding Triticale with High Productivity and Improved Grain Quality. - C. 113-126.
- Instructions to authors. - C. 127-128.