інтернет-адреса сторінки:
Science and innovation
А - 2018 /
Випуск (2022, Vol. 18, № 6)
Pylypenko O. V., Dolgopolov S. I., Nikolayev O. D., Khoriak N. V., Kvasha Yu. A., Bashliy I. D.
Determination of the Thrust Spread in the Cyclone-4M First Stage Multi-Engine Propusion System During Its Start
Pylypenko, O. V., Dolgopolov, S. I., Nikolayev, O. D., Khoriak, N. V., Kvasha, Yu. A., Bashliy, I. D. (2022). Determination of the Thrust Spread in the Cyclone-4M First Stage Multi-Engine Propusion System During Its Start. Science and Innovation, 18 (6), 97-112. http://jnas.nbuv.gov.ua/article/UJRN-0001365175