Журнал органічної та фармацевтичної хімії. 2022, 20 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Журнал органічної та фармацевтичної хімії 2022. Вип. 1 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Marchenko A. P., Koidan G. M., Hurieva A. M., Kostyuk A. M. New phosphorus-containing polycycles with a spiroamine group. - C. 3-11.
- Sydorenko I. A., Mishchenko M. V., Shtrygol’ S. Yu., Lozynskyi A. V., Soronovych I. I., Holota S. M., Lesyk R. B. The synthesis and the anticonvulsant activity screening of new 5-substituted 2-imino-4-thiazolidinone derivatives. - C. 12-20.
- Blazheyevskіy M. Ye., Koval’ska O. V. Application of the enzymatic method for the quantitative determination of dequalinium chloride in lozenges. - C. 21-27.
- Maslov O. Yu., Komisarenko M. A., Kolisnyk S. V., Golik M. Yu., Tsapko Ye. O., Akhmedov E. Yu. Determination of the extraction frequency of green tea leaves by the antioxidant method. - C. 28-34.
- Kovalenko V. S., Blazheyevskіy M. Ye., Merzlikin S. I. A comparative study of the effect of phenothiazine derivatives and their S-oxides on cholinesterase investigated by a new kinetic spectrophotometric method. - C. 35-43.
- Tkachova Ye. S., Fedorchuk M. I., Kovalenko O. A. The allelopathic activity of water-soluble biologically active substances from Hyssopus officinalis L. of Marquis varieties and their effect on the root growth of Lepidium sativum L. - C. . 44-50.
- Blazheyevskіy M. Ye., Bondarenko N. Yu., Mozgova О. О. The quantitative determination of glutathione by the effect of the chemiluminescence inhibition in the catalytic oxidation reaction of luminol with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of hemoglobin. - C. 51-56.
- Khvorost O. P., Leontiev B. S., Fedchenkova Yu. A., Skrebtsova K. S. The quantitative content determination of main groups of biologically active substances in batches of Viburnum opulus fruits. - C. 57-62.