Mathematical modeling and computing. 2022, 9 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Mathematical modeling and computing 2022. Вип. 2 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Alaa H., Alaa N., Aqel F., Lefraich H. A new Lattice Boltzmann method for a Gray–Scott based model applied to image restoration and contrast enhancement. - C. 187–202.
- Kozhushko O., Boiko M., Kovbasa M., Martyniuk P., Stepanchenko O., Uvarov N. Field scale computer modeling of soil moisture with dynamic nudging assimilation algorithm. - C. 203–216.
- Kafle J., Gaire H., Pokhrel P., Kattel P. Analysis of blood flow through curved artery with mild stenosis. - C. 217–225.
- Pradhan R., Shrestha S., Gurung D. Mathematical modeling of mixed-traffic in urban areas. - C. 226–240.
- Assoudi R., Bougtab S., Allouche H., Lamzoud K., Feuillebois F., Chaoui M. High accurate method to calculate a singular integral related to Hankel transform. - C. 241–261.
- El Bhih A., Benfatah Y., Ghazaoui A., Rachik M. On the maximal output set of fractional-order discrete-time linear systems. - C. 262–277.
- Vavrukh M., Dzikovskyi D., Smerechynskyi S. White dwarfs with rapid rotation. - C. 278–302.
- Belogurov V., Kosolapov S. In memory of V. F. Chekurin. - C. 303–310.
- El Yamani M., Lazaar S. Stochastic machine learning modeling for the estimation of some uncertain parameters. Case study: Retardation factor in a radionuclide transport model. - C. 311–317.
- Kosobutskyy P., Karkulovska M. Simulation of statistical mean and variance of normally distributed random values, transformed by nonlinear functions |X| and √ X. - C. 318–325.
- Liubinskyi B., Demediuk M., Topylko P. Architecture of the License Software Manager using Blockchain technology. - C. 326–332.
- Suganya G., Senthamarai R. Mathematical modeling and analysis of Phytoplankton–Zooplankton–Nanoparticle dynamics. - C. 333–341.
- Alaa N., Alaa K., Atounti M., Aqel F. A new mathematical model for contrast enhancement in digital images. - C. 342–350.
- Ben-Loghfyry A., Hakim A. Time-fractional diffusion equation for signal and image smoothing. - C. 351–364.
- Mohaoui S., El Qate K., Hakim A., Raghay S. Low-rank tensor completion using nonconvex total variation. - C. 365–374.
- Mahmoudi M., Ghovatmand M., Noori Skandari M. Solving a class of nonlinear delay Fredholm integro-differential equations with convergence analysis. - C. 375–384.
- Vijayalakshmi T., Senthamarai R. Study of two species prey–predator model in imprecise environment with harvesting scenario. - C. 385–398.
- Gayvas B., Dmytruk V. Investigation of drying the porous wood of a cylindrical shape. - C. 399–415.
- Husarova I., Tevyashev A., Tevyasheva O. Mathematical modeling of non-stationary gas flow modes along a linear section of a gas transmission system. - C. 416–430.
- Musii R., Melnyk N., Drohomyretska Kh., Duza-Zadorozhna M., Druzhbiak S. Thermomechanical behavior of a solid electroconductive ball under the action of amplitude modulated radioimpulse. - C. 431–439.
- Tokarchuk M. To the kinetic theory of dense gases and liquids. Calculation of quasi-equilibrium particle distribution functions by the method of collective variables. - C. 440–458.
- Svidrak I., Aftanaziv I., Shevchuk L., Strogan O. Determination of coordinates of unmanned aircrafts by means of kinematic projection. - C. 459–469.