Geodynamics. 2019 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Geodynamics 2019. Вип. 1 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Dvulit P., Dzhun J. Diagnostics of the high-precise ballistic measured gravity acceleration by methods of non-classical errors theory. - C. 5-16.
- Fys М., Brydun А., Yurkiv М. Researching the influence of the mass distribution inhomogeneity of the ellipsoidal planet’s interior on its stokes constants. - C. 17-27.
- Tserklevych A., Shylo Ye., Shylo O. Earth’s figure changes – geodynamic factor of stressed-deformed litosphere state. - C. 28-42.
- Aliyev A., Abbasov O. Nature of the provenance and tectonic setting of oil shale (middle eocene) in the greater caucasus southeastern plunge. - C. 43-59.
- Hnylko O., Hnylko S. Geological environments forming the eocene black-shale formation of the silesian nappe (Ukrainian Carpathians). - C. 60-75.
- Maksymchuk V., Sapuzhak O., Deshchytsia S., Romanyuk О., Pidvirnyj О., Kolyadenko V., Tymoschuk V. Evaluation of karst-chasm hazard processes by electroprospecting methods in the location of Stebnyk potassium deposit. - C. 76-89.
- Fedoryshyn D., Trubenko O., Piatkovska I., Fedoryshyn S. Improvement in the complex of studying the dynamics changes in water-oil contact (WOC) and gas-water contact (GWC) using results of neutron and electric methods. - C. 90-95.