Економічний вісник Донбасу. 2022 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Економічний вісник Донбасу 2022. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Content.
- Grytsenko S., Hrechkovska A., Kordyak M. Potential Areas of Application of the Cluster Approach to Recovery of the Ukrainian Economy. - C. 5-9.
- Osadcha N., Zatyshniak V. Assessment of the Economic Potential and Investment Attractiveness of the Dnipropetrovsk Region. - C. 10-16.
- Abbasov V., Shukurova E. Main Priorities of Development of Canning Industry in Azerbaijan. - C. 17-21.
- Musayeva N., Guliyeva B. Analysis of Current Status in Service Level in Hotel Business in Azerbaijan. - C. 22-25.
- Rafiev Sh. Development Strategy of Banking Activity. - C. 26-28.
- Liashenko V., Trushkina N., Lukianov A., Serbina T. Proposals for the Organization of International Logistics Activities of Agricultural and Agro-Processing Enterprises During the War Period. - C. 29-37.
- Kolodynskyi S., Hutsaliuk O., Kramskyi S., Zakharchenko O. Internet Marketing and Structural Changes e-Commerce in Ukraine. - C. 38-44.
- Zablodska I., Rohozian Yu., Khandii O. Territorial Dimension of Innovative Diffusion in the Socio-Economic Systems: Market Aspect. - C. 45-56.
- Zaverbnyj A., Pushak H. Theoretical and Applied Principles of Supply Chain Management under Crisis Economic Conditions: Strategic Aspect. - C. 57-62.
- Boretska N., Krapivina G. Directions of Research the Development of the Tourism and Recreational Sphere as an Object of State Administration. - C. 63-68.
- Mykytenko V., Chuprina M., Serhiienko S. A Systematic Approach to the Development of Basic Models of the Behavior of Business Entities and its Harmonization. - C. 69-75.
- Korytko T., Piletska S. Model of the Adaptive Management System of an Industrial Enterprise in the Conditions of Industry 4.0. - C. 76-80.
- Chebotarov V., Ruban М., Chebotarov Ie. Economic and Resource Potential of the "Lublin Triangle" and Prospects of Activity in the Transport and Logistics Sector. - C. 81-86.
- Shevchenko N., Moiseienko K., Latysheva O. Project Implementation of Corporate Information Systems (ERP and MES) as a Guarantee for Increasing the Operational Efficiency of the Enterprise. - C. 87-92.
- Chernukh D. Corporate Culture of the Enterprise: Essence, Models, Types. - C. 93-104.
- Ozarko K., Chelombytko V. Problems of management risks of informative providing of realization of innovations. - C. 105-109.
- Utkin V. Experience of European Clusters in Transsectoral Internationalization. - C. 110-115.
- Girkhlarov E. Financing and Tax Factor in the Agricultural System of Azerbaijan. - C. 116-118.
- Panahov F. The essence and functions of cryptocurrencies. - C. 119-120.
- Glinkowska-Krauze B. Review of the book "Artists and creator. Social, artistic, and economic aspects". Authors: Stella Kaczmarek and Joanna Posłuszna. Transkript Publishing House, Kraków, 2021. - C. 121-123.