Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні. 2023, 14 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні 2023. Вип. 4 |
- Титул.
- Contents.
- Gichan О. І. Influence of the Nernst diffusion layer thickness on surface concentration in a model electrochemical process with a preceding chemical reaction. - C. 453-463.
- Roik N. V., Trofymchuk I. M., Belyakova L. O., Oranska O. I. Hybrid template directed hydrothermal synthesis of MCM-41 silicas with surface silanol and 3-chloropropyl groups. - C. 464-473.
- Gun’ko V. M., Matkovsky O. K. Adsorption of various compounds onto nanooxides unmodified and differently pretreated. - C. 474-494.
- Filonenko O. V., Grebenyuk A. G., Terebinska M. I., Lobanov V. V. Quantum chemical simulation of acid-base properties of the surface of SnO2 nanoparticles. - C. 495-503.
- Semchuk O. Yu., Havriliuk O. O., Biliuk A. A. Kinetic theory of magnetic absorption of laser irradiation by nanoparticles. - C. 504-511.
- Rubashvili I., Zautashvili M., Kordzakhia T., Ebralidze K. Adsorption study of fluoroquinolone antibiotic - levofloxacin to evaluate the possibility of its removal from wastewaters using natural zeolite. - C. 512-518.
- Tsitsishvili V. G., Dolaberidze N. M., Nijaradze M. O., Mirdzveli N. A., Amiridze Z. S., Khutsishvili B. T. Acid and thermal treatment of natural heulandite. - C. 519-533.
- Hrebelna Yu. V., Demianenko E. M., Terets M. I., Grebenyuk A. G., Sementsov Yu. I., Sigareva N. V., Makhno S. M., Kartel M. T. Theoretical study on the interaction of polychlorotrifluoroethylene fragments with graphene-like planes. - C. 534-545.
- Fesenko T. V., Laguta I. V., Stavinskaya O. M., Kuzema P. O., Anishchenko V. М., Oranska O. I., Ivannikov R. V., Diyuk O. A., Skorochod I. O. Green synthesis of antibacterial cerium oxide nanoparticles using Magnolia kobus leaves extract. - C. 546-554.
- Maletin Y. A., Chernukhin S. I., Stryzhakova N. G., Kozachkov S. G. Combination of surface with bulk: hybrids of supercapacitors with Li-ion batteries. - C. 555-560.
- Pavlyshche N. I., Korotun A. V., Kurbatsky V. P. Optical absorption of composites with metallic nanosized spheroidal particles. - C. 561-568.