Biopolymers and cell. 2013, 29 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Biopolymers and cell 2013. Вип. 1 |
- Title, contents.
- Burlak O. P., de Vera J.-P., Yatsenko V., Kozyrovska N. O. Putative mechanisms of bacterial effects on plant photosystem under stress. - C. 3-10.
- Matvienko M. G., Pustovalov A. S., Dzerzhinsky N. E. Variety of functions and effects of kisspeptin. - C. 11-20.
- Nazir Z., Irshad S. Stem cell – based gene therapy. - C. 21-32.
- Kovalova O. A., Bezdeneznykh N. A., Kudryavets Y. I. Nonchromosomal cytogenetic analysis of mammal somatic cells. - C. 33-41.
- Levchenko S. M., Rebriev A. V., Tkachuk V. V., Dubey L. V., Dubey I. Ya., Tkachuk Z. Yu. Studies on interaction of oligoadenylates with proteins in vitro by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. - C. 42-48.
- Gorbatiuk O. B., Okunev O. V., Nikolaev Yu. S., Svyatenko O. V., Kordium V. A. Construction, expression, functional characterization and practical application of fusion protein SPA-BAPmut. - C. 49-54.
- Vislovukh A. A., Naumovets M. G., Kovalenko M. I., Groisman R. S., Groisman I. S., Negrutskii B. S., El'skaya A. V. Isoforms of elongation factor eEF1A may be differently regulated at post-transcriptional level in breast cancer progression. - C. 55-63.
- Компанець І. В., Короткий О. Г., Карповець Т. П., Пилипенко С. В., Нікольська В. В., Остапченко Л. І., Янковський Д. С. Титр інтерферону та 2', 5'-олігоаденілат-синтетазна активність у лімфоцитах тимусу щурів за гіпергастринемії, спричиненої омепразолом. - C. 64-69.
- Garmanchuk L. V., Denis E. O., Nikulina V. V., Dzhus O. I., Skachkova O. V., Ribalchenko V. K., Ostapchenko L. I. MI1 – derivative of maleimide inhibits cell cycle progression in tumor cells of epithelial origin. - C. 70-74.
- Shuvalova N. S., Maslova O. A., Sukhorada O. M., Deryabina O. G., Kordium V. A. Maintenance of mesenchymal stem cells culture due to the cells with reduced attachment rate. - C. 75-78.
- Shkarina K. A., Cherednyk O. V., Tykhonkova I. O., Khoruzhenko A. I. In vitro model for study the interaction between tumor and stromal cells. - C. 79-82.