Biopolymers and cell. 2014, 30 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Biopolymers and cell 2014. Вип. 6 |
- Title, contents.
- Golov A. K., Razin S. V., Gavrilov A. A. Nucleosomal packaging of eukaryotic DNA and regulation of transcription. - C. 413-425.
- Shkarina K. A., Cherednyk O. V., Voloschenko I. I., Trembach O. M., Trembach I. O., Khoruzhenko A. I. Exosomes: messengers and mediators of tumor–stromal interactions. - C. 426-435.
- Derevyanchuk M. V., Grabelnyh O. I., Litvinovskaya R. P., Voinikov V. K., Sauchuk A. L., Khripach V. A., Kravets V. S. Influence of brassinosteroids on plant cell alternative respiration pathway and antioxidant systems activity under abiotic stress conditions. - C. 436-442.
- Shevchenko J. I., Pozur V. K., Skurnik M. The effect of waaL genes deletion from Yersinia enterocolitica O:3 genome on bacteria LPS’ phenotype. - C. 443-447.
- Kotsarenko K. V., Lylo V. V., Ruban T. P., Macewicz L. L., Kornelyuk A. I., Chernykh S. I., Lukash L. L. Influence of EMAP II, IFN-α2b and its medicinal preparations on the MGMT protein amount in human cells in vitro. - C. 448-453.
- Shalak V. F., Vislovukh A. A., Novosylna O. V., Khoruzhenko A. I., Kovalenko M. I., Kolesanova E. F., Egorova E. A., Mishin A. A., Krotevych M. S., Skoroda L. V. Characterization of novel peptide-specific antibodies against the translation elongation factor eEF1A2 and their application for cancer research. - C. 454-461.
- Pyeshkova V. N., Dudchenko O. Y., Soldatkin O. O., Kucherenko I. S., Ozansoy Kasap B., Akata Kurc B., Dzyadevych S. V. Application of silicalite for improvement of enzyme adsorption on the stainless steel electrodes. - C. 462-468.
- Vasyliev R. G., Rodnichenko A. E., Zubov D. A., Rymar S. Y., Gubar O. S., Labunets I. F., Novikova S. N. Biological properties of neural crest-derived multipotent stem cells from the bulge region of whisker follicle expanded in new culture conditions. - C. 469-476.
- Paramonova N., Kupca S., Rumba-Rozenfelde I., Sjakste N., Sjakste T. Association between the PSMB5 and PSMC6 genetic variations and children obesity in the Latvian population. - C. 477-480.
- Morderer D. Ye., Rymarenko O. V., Skrypkina I. Ya., Rynditch A. V. Ca 2+ does not affect the binding properties of ITSN1 EH domains. - C. 481-484.
- In memoriam: Vadym M. Kavsan (1939–2014). - C. 485.