Фізика низьких температур. 2012, 38 (8) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Фізика низьких температур 2012. Вип. 8 |
- Титул.
- Содержание.
- Low Temperature Spectroscopy and Radiation Effects. To the anniversary of E. V. Savchenko. - C. 851-852.
- Wonderly W. R., Anderson D. T. Transient HDO rovibrational satellite peaks in solid parahydrogen: evidence of hydrogen atoms or vacancies?. - C. 853-859.
- Healy B., Kerins P., McCaffrey J. G. Metal atom (Zn, Cd and Mg) luminescence in solid neon. - C. 860-870.
- Khmelenko V. V., Krushinskaya I. N., Boltnev R. E., Bykhalo I. B., Pelmenev A. A., Lee D. M. Dynamics of thermoluminescence spectra of impurity–helium condensates containing stabilized nitrogen and oxygen atoms. - C. 871-883.
- Dmitriev Yu. A. Role of surface structure in photoelectron emission from solid Ne: impurities, defect and low-coordinated sites. - C. 884-893.
- Lindgren J., Olbert-Majkut A., Pettersson M., Kiljunen T. Librational motion of CO in solid Ar: Raman and IR spectra and quantum simulations. - C. 894-904.
- Scharfschwerdt B., van der Linde Ch., Balaj O. P., Herber I., Schütze D., Beyer M. K. Photodissociation and photochemistry of V+(H2O)n, n = 1–4, in the 360–680 nm region. - C. 905-911.
- Turowski M., Crépin C., Couturier-Tamburelli I., Piétri N., Kołos R. Low-temperature phosphorescence of dicyanoacetylene in rare gas solids. - C. 912-916.
- Arabei S. M., Galaup J. -P., McCaffrey J. G., Shafizadeh N., Crépin C. Electronic spectroscopy, stimulated emission and persistent spectral hole-burning of cryogenic nitrogen matrices doped with tetrabenzoporphin. - C. 917-922.
- Zinoviev P. V., Zoryansky V. N., Silaeva N. B., Stetsenko Yu. E., Strzhemechny M. A., Yagotintsev K. A. Orientational glassification in fullerite C60 saturated with H2: photoluminescence studies. - C. 923-931.
- Gumenjuk A., Ostapenko N., Ostapenko Yu., Kerita O., Suto S., Watanabe A. Oscillatory regularity of charge carrier traps energy spectra in silicon organic polymer poly(di-n-hexylsilane). - C. 932-937.
- Arakawa I., Matsumoto D., Takekuma Sh., Tamura R., Miura T. Photo-stimulated desorption from water and methane clusters on the surface of solid neon. - C. 938-941.
- Kassühlke B., Feulner P. Inner valence excitations of condensed neon. - C. 942-948.
- Kato H., Tachibana T., Hirayama T. Temperature effect of metastable atom desorption from solid Ne by low-energy electron impact. - C. 949-952.
- de Barros A. L. F., Boduch P., Domaracka A., Rothard H., da Silveira E. F. Radiolysis of astrophysical ices by heavy ion irradiation: destruction cross section measurement. - C. 953-960.
- Feldman V. I., Kobzarenko A. V., Orlov A. Y., Sukhov F. F. The radiation-induced chemistry in solid xenon matrices. - C. 961-969.
- Szymonski M., Droba A., Struski P., Krok F. Dynamics of the defect-mediated desorption of alkali halide surfaces. - C. 970-975.
- Montereali R. M., Bonfigli F., Menchini F., Vincenti M. A. Optical spectroscopy and microscopy of radia-tion-induced light-emitting point defects in lithium fluoride crystals and films. - C. 976-984.
- Baldacchini G., Chiacchiaretta P., Pode R. B., Vincenti M. A., Wang Q. -M. Phase transitions in thermally annealed films of Alq3. - C. 985-992.
- Loktev V. M., Pogorelov Yu. G. Impurity and vacancy effects in graphene. - C. 993-1000.