Biopolymers and cell. 2016, 32 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Biopolymers and cell 2016. Вип. 2 |
- Title, content.
- Sukhodub L. F., Sukhodub L. B., Chorna I. V. Chitosan-apatite composites: synthesis and properties. - C. 83-97.
- Zhernossekov D. D., Roka-Moiia Y. M., Grinenko T. V. Extracellular annexins in hemostasis system. - C. 98-104.
- Kosach V. R., Tykhonkova I. O., Cherednyk O. V., Filonenko V. V., Khoruzhenko A. I. Phospho-mTOR (Ser2481) colocalizes with condensed chromosomes during metaphase. - C. 105-110.
- Zakharova V. V., Dib C., Saada Y. B., Vassetzky Y. S., Galkin I. I., Chernyak B. V., Popova E. N. Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and antioxidants affect fusion of primary human myoblasts in vitro. - C. 111-117.
- Budash G. V., Bilko D. I., Bilko N. M. Differentiation of pluripotent stem cells into cardyomyocytes is influenced by size of embryoid bodies. - C. 118-125.
- Gumenyuk A. V., Motorna N. V., Rybalko S. L., Savosko S. I., Sokurenko L. M., Chaikovsky Yu. B. Mutual influence of herpes virus infection activation and cerebral circulation impairment on the state of brain cells. - C. 126-130.
- Makarenko V. E., Kikhno I. M., Kashuba V. I. Extreme evolutionary stability of conserved non-protein coding element of baculovirus genome. - C. 131-139.
- Tsymbaliuk O. V., Naumenko A. M., Skoryk M. A., Nyporko O. Yu., Davidovska T. L., Skryshevsky V. A. Histamine- and nicotine-stimulated modulations of mechanic activity of smooth muscles in gastrointestinal tract at the impact of nanosized TiO 2 material. - C. 140-149.
- Palchevska O. L., Macewicz L. L., Piven O. O. A link between β-catenin and hypertrophy: evaluation and meta-analysis. - C. 150-157.
- In Memoriam: Vasily Ogryzko (1960-2016). - C. 158.