Economic annals-XXI. 2016 (157) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Economic annals-XXI 2016. Вип. 157 |
- Титул, зміст.
- Vertakova Yu., Klevtsova M., Babich T. Identification of the new research areas and development of the existing ones by methods of morphological analysis and synthesis. - C. 4-8.
- Kamensky E. Innovations. Anomie. Corruption: basic theoretical models. - C. 8-12.
- Barzykina G. Global tendencies of economic crimes’ modification. - C. 12-15.
- Polozhentseva Yu. Inequality in social standard of living in the international contex. - C. 15-19.
- Emelyanov S., Nekrasova N. The leading role of human capital in the process of countries’ progressive economic development. - C. 19-22.
- Urda M., Shevelyova S. Migration policy and national security challenges in globalization conditions. - C. 22-25.
- Larina O., Kukanov V. Characteristic features of the federal state economic function content (considering economic function of the Federal Republic of Germany). - C. 25-28.
- Kharchenko E., Garbuz I. Mechanisms of national economy and its regions adaptation to the conditions of integration to the world economy. - C. 28-32.
- Belyaeva T., Kozeva I. Foresight project planning: methods, technology, international experience. - C. 32-35.
- Belousova L., Kritskaya O. Industry-specific factors under the conditions of the Russian economy recession. - C. 35-38.
- Trusova N., Klimenko P. Building of socio-economic politics in the context of regional safety. - C. 38-41.
- Sevryukova L., Belousova S. Trends in taxation of personal income: Russian and foreign experience. - C. 41-44.
- Smirnov M., Dudko V. Innovation-investment aspect of import substitution in Russia. - C. 44-47.
- Tinkova E., Tinkov S. Production potential development and quality of life of the population indicators modelling. - C. 47-50.
- Obukhova A., Ostimuk O. Indicators of Convergence Assessment of Real and Banking Sectors of the Economy. - C. 50-53.
- Zheleznyakov S., Tarasov U. Economic growth and poverty in the region: international experience, approaches and managerial mechanisms. - C. 53-56.
- Sapronov А., Ivanov V. Dynamics of social polarization in the Russian society in conditions of economic instability. - C. 56-59.
- Kilimova L. Quality of life as a human development determinant in the context of economic instability. - C. 59-62.
- Belyaeva O., Polyakova T. Using the concept of social space to analyze the relationship between commercial banks and the population. - C. 62-65.
- Belyaeva E., Svetovtseva T. Main trends of factoring market development at present economic conditions. - C. 65-68.
- Podgorny B. Habitus in relation to the stock market: national features. - C. 68-72.
- Nishnianidze O., Gaidukova B. Impact of citizens’ phenomenological risks assessment on the development of voluntary insurance market. - C. 72-75.
- Aseeva I., Volokhova N. The offset of the value accents in business, medicine and pharmacy in modern socio-economic conditions. - C. 75-79.
- Grimov O. Main features of freelancing as a non-standard form of employment. - C. 79-82.
- Mayakova A. Quality of management in the context of modern economic and managerial paradigm. - C. 82-85.
- Gracheva N. Analysis in corporate governance. - C. 85-88.
- Grechenyuk A., Grechenyuk O. The structure of assets and capital of the Russian companies and their impact on the liquidity and financial stability. - C. 88-91.
- Shirokova L., Pochechun P. Modelling of regional corporate environment development. - C. 91-94.
- Androsova I., Simonenko E. Innovative approach to strategic management of machine-building enterprises. - C. 94-97.
- Kazarenkova N., Kolmykova T. International criteria for the country’s banking system efficiency assessment. - C. 97-100.
- Tretyakova I., Sitnikova E. International financial processes influence on the retail lending market in Russia development. - C. 100-103.
- Rykunova V., Kirilchuk I. Improvement of economic incentive mechanism for environmental management. - C. 103-106.
- Afanasyeva L., Tkacheva T. Comparative approach to the tax security assessment. - C. 106-109.
- Alekseeva V. Integral multi-criteria evaluation of construction sector competitiveness. - C. 109-112.
- Bessonova Ye., Domkhokova T. The technique of evaluating the efficiency of controlling adjusted for confectionary works. - C. 112-115.
- Gurov V., Milgunova I. Improving of assessment methodology of the audited organizations performance at the stage of audit planning. - C. 115-118.
- Ronzhina M. Assessment of the internal financial control system’s modification results. - C. 118.