Ukrainian journal of physics. 2012, 57 (8) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2012. Вип. 8 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Nadirbekov M. S., Yuldasheva G. A. States of even-even nuclei in neutron chains with N=96, 98, 100. - C. 789-795.
- Dhiman N. K. Role of different model ingredients in the exotic cluster-decay of 56Ni*. - C. 796-805.
- Kaur D., Kaur V., Kumar S. Probing the effect of different cross sections in asymmetric systems. - C. 806-811.
- Sevryukova M. M., Piryatinski Yu. P., Vasylyuk S. V., Yashchuk V. M., Viniychuk O. O., Gerasov A. O., Slominskii Yu. L., Kachkovsky O. D. Cyanine-like and polyenic relaxation paths of merocyanine derivatives of malonodinitrile in the excited state detecting by low temperature time-resolved fluorescence. - C. 812-823.
- Mishagli D. Yu. The Influence of screening effects on the grain charge in a thermal dusty plasma. - C. 824-833.
- Tahiri M., Masaif N., Jennane A., Lotfi E. M. Study of electrical conductivity in WO3-doped nonstoichiometric LiTaO3. - C. 834-837.
- Peleshchak R. M., Kuzyk O. V., Dan’kiv O. O. Energy spectrum of electrons in a three-layer heterosystem with self-organized defect-deformation structures. - C. 838-843.
- Popovych V. D., Gnatenko Yu. P., Bukivskij P. M., Potera P. Effect of pre-growth annealing on the properties of nonpurified cadmium telluride single crystals obtained by sublimation method. - C. 844-848.
- Tkach M. V., Seti Ju. O., Boyko I. V. Effect of nonlinear electron-electron interaction on electron tunneling through an asymmetric two-barrier resonance tunnel structure. - C. 849-859.
- Karpenko O. B., Trachevskij V. V., Filonenko O. V., Lobanov V. V., Avdeev M. V., Tropin T. V., Kyzyma O. A., Snegir S. V. NMR study of non-equilibrium state of fullerene C60 in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone. - C. 860-863.
- Sizhuk A. S., Yezhov S. M. Dynamical and macroscopic descriptions of the strongly driven gas medium of interacting atoms. - C. 864-876.
- Belikov A. G., Papkovich V. G. Dynamics of particles with high initial transverse velocities in a magnetic field with cusp geometry. - C. 877-881.