Ukrainian journal of physics. 2013, 58 (4) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2013. Вип. 4 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Soroka V. I., Lebed S. O., Tolmachev M. G., Kukharenko O. G., Veselov O. O. Nuclear microanalysis study of surface nanolayers in gold-silicon structures. - C. 311-317.
- Gorishnyi M. P. Nature and kinetics of non-stationary light absorption induced by femtosecond laser pulses in lead phthalocyanine and chloro-aluminum-chloro-phthalocyanine films. - C. 318-325.
- Abed H. J., Din N. M., Al-Mansoori M. H., Abdullah F., Fadhil H. A. Comparison among different types of advanced modulation formats under four wave mixing effects. - C. 326-334.
- Volkov A. Yu. Evaluation of non-diagonal components of the pockels tensor for photorefractive Sn2P2S6 crystal. - C. 335-340.
- Blonskyi I. V., Kadan V. M., Dergachev A. A., Shlenov S. A., Kandidov V. P., Puzikov V. M., Grin’ L. O. Filamentation of femtosecond vortex beam in sapphire. - C. 341-344.
- Dimian M. F., Megahed A. M. Effects of variable fluid properties on unsteady heat transfer over a stretching surface in the presence of thermal radiation. - C. 345-352.
- Khader M. M., Megahed A. M. Numerical solution for the effect of variable fluid properties on the flow and heat transfer in a non-Newtonian Maxwell fluid over an unsteady stretching sheet with internal heat generation. - C. 353-361.
- Kostylyov V. P., Sachenko A. V., Sokolovskyi I. O., Chernenko V. V., Slusar T. V., Sushyi A. V. Influence of surface centers on the effective surface recombination rate and the parameters of silicon solar cells. - C. 362-369.
- Gorskyi P. V. Power factor for layered thermoelectric materials with a closed Fermi surface in a quantizing magnetic field. - C. 370-377.
- Lysenkov E. A., Yakovlev Yu. V., Klepko V. V. Percolation properties of systems based on polypropylene glycol and carbon nanotubes. - C. 378-384.
- Gaevs’kyi V. R., Nechyporuk B. D., Novoselets’kyi N. Yu., Rudyk B. P. Electrolytic fabrication of zinc oxide nanoparticles. - C. 385-388.
- Balabai R. M. Electronic properties of functionalized graphene nanoribbons. - C. 389-397.
- Zadorozhna L. V., Hnatyk B. I., Sitenko Yu. A. Magnetic field of cosmic strings in the early Universe. - C. 398-402.