Ukrainian journal of physics. 2013, 58 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2013. Вип. 6 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- International conference "Problems of theoretical physics" october 8−11, 2012, Kyiv, Ukraine. - C. 511.
- Gaididei Yu. B., Loktev V. M. Oleksandr Sergiyovych Davydov (1912−1993). - C. 513-522.
- Simulik V. M., Krivsky I. Yu., Lamer I. L. Bosonic symmetries, solutions, and conservation laws for the Dirac equation with nonzero mass. - C. 523-533.
- Lashko Yu. A., Filippov G. F. Unusual manifestations of the Pauli principle in scattering of atomic nuclei. - C. 534-543.
- Vasilevsky V. S. Microscopic three-cluster descriptions of 11B and 11C nuclei. - C. 544-553.
- Perepelytsya S. M., Volkov S. N. Dynamics of ion-phosphate lattice of DNA in left-handed double helix form. - C. 554-561.
- Brizhik L., Chetverikov A. P., Ebeling W., Röpke G., Velarde M. G. Stabilizing role of lattice anharmonicity in the bisoliton dynamics. - C. 562-572.
- Mastropas Z. P., Myasnikov E. N. Role of fluctuations in the coherent displacements of atomic equilibrium positions at second-order phase transitions. - C. 573-581.
- Litovchenko V. G. Analog of the Davydov splitting in carbon graphite-like structures. - C. 582-585.
- Kondovych S. V., Gomonay H. V., Loktev V. M. Magnetic dynamics of a multiferroic with an antiferromagnetic layer. - C. 586-595.
- Pylypovskyi O. V., Sheka D. D., Kravchuk V. P., Gaididei Yu. B., Mertens F. G. Mechanism of fast axially symmetric reversal of magnetic vortex core. - C. 596-603.
АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 