Ukrainian journal of physics. 2014, 59 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2014. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Mitrokhovich N. F., Lashko A. P., Lashko T. N., Sidorenko L. P. On the structure of Kπ = 3/2+, 362-keV l evel in 165Ho. - C. 5-8.
- Komyshan P. N., Okhrimenko B. A., Yablochkova K. S. Influence of a deformation of NH3 molecule on a deviation of the chemical bond N−H. - C. 9-16.
- Maslyanchuk O. L., Aoki T., Sklyarchuk V. M., Melnychuk S. V., Kosyachenko L. A., Grushko E. V. High-efficiency cadmium telluride detectors of X- and γ-radiation. - C. 17-33.
- Belyaev A. E., Klyui N. I., Konakova R. V., Luk’yanov A. M., Sveshnikov Yu. M., Klyui A. M. Optical properties of irradiated epitaxial GaN films. - C. 34-37.
- Babich A. V. On the work function and Schottky barrier heights of metal nanofilms in a dielectric environment. - C. 38-49.
- Lysiuk I. O., Olikh Ya. M., Olikh O. Ya., Beketov G. V. Features of ultrasound absorption by dislocations in subgrain-free Cs0.2Hg0.8Te crystals. - C. 50-57.
- Grigorishin K. V. Autolocalized states of an excess electron in an ionic cluster. - C. 58-68.
- Grosu Ya. G., Eroshenko V. A., Ievtushenko O. V., Nedelec J.-M., Grolier J.-P. E. Anomalous negative thermal expansion in a condensed heterogeneous lyophobic system. - C. 69-78.
- Litovchenko V. G., Kurchak A. I., Strikha M. V. Anisotropy of conductivity in bilayer graphene with relatively shifted layers. - C. 79-86.
- Lyashenko I. A., Manko N. N. Analysis of the stability of stationary boundary friction modes in the framework of a synergetic model. - C. 87-94.
- Bulavin L. A., Kekicheff P., Sysoev V. M., Sheiko N. L. Mechanism of nanobubble formation in water on a hydrophobic surface. - C. 95-97.
- Petro Mykhailovich Tomchuk (to the 80th anniversary of his birthday). - C. 98-99.