Ukrainian journal of physics. 2014, 59 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2014. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Mytropolsky I. E., Kuzma V. V., Drobnich V. G., Pop S. S. Promising optical methods for determining the content of heavy metals in solid and surface waters. - C. 107-115.
- Rylyuk V. M., Nastasyuk V. A. Ionization of atoms in a strong laser radiation field and the imaginary time method. - C. 116-122.
- Tomchenko M. D. Microstructure of He II in the presence of boundaries. - C. 123-140.
- Vidil A. Yu., Zavislyak I. V., Popov M. O. Relaxation at Nonlinear ferromagnetic resonance. - C. 141-147.
- Grynchuk A. A., Koval I. P., Nakhodkin M. G. Surface stresses at the initial steps of the GexSi1-x/Si(001) surface oxidation. - C. 148-154.
- Bar’yakhtar V. G., Belokolos E. D., Golubeva O. N., Sukhanov A. D. A ratio of the shear viscosity to the density of entropy for helium. - C. 155-157.
- Vertsimakha G. V. Effect of the relative spatial arrangement of a metal Nanoshell and an LH2 complex of photosynthetic bacteria on the optical properties of the hybrid light-harvesting structure. - C. 158-166.
- Freik D. M., Yurchyshyn I. K., Potyak V. Yu., Chobaniuk V. M Quantum-size oscillation effects of thermoelectric parameters in lead chalcogenides nanostructures. - C. 167-171.
- Ushcats M. V. Virial coefficients of modified Lennard-Jones potential. - C. 172-178.
- Boháčik J., Augustin P., Prešnajder P. Non-perturbative anharmonic correction to Mehler’s presentation of the harmonic oscillator propagator. - C. 179-192.
- Koshchii O. E., Kuznietsov P. E. Two-particle photodisintegration of 4He: 4He(?,d)d, 4He(?,p)T, 4He(?,n)3He. - C. 193-200.