Ukrainian journal of physics. 2015, 60 (7) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2015. Вип. 7 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Denisov V. Yu., Margitych T. O. Minimum barrier height for symmetric and asymmetric nuclear systems. - C. 585-592.
- Borysyuk V. І., Yashchuk V. M., Naumenko A. P., Stanova А. V., Gerasova V. G., Gerasov А. O., Kovtun Yu. P., Shandura M. P., Kachkovsky O. D. Influence of surplus negative charge on absorption and fluorescence excitation spectra of asymmetric polymethine dyes. - C. 593-600.
- Starkov V. N., Brodyn M. S., Tomchuk P. M., Gayvoronsky V. Ya., Boyarchuk A. Yu. Mathematical interpretation of experimental research results on nonlinear optical material properties. - C. 601-613.
- Vlasenko T. S., Sysoev V. M. Influence of external factors on the structure of a two-component fluid in a stationary state. - C. 614-619.
- Kozynetz A. V., Skryshevskyi V. A. Theoretical analysis of the efficiency of silicon solar cells with amorphized layers in the space charge region. - C. 620-626.
- Eliseev E. A. The structure of a 180-degree domain Wall near the surface of ferroics. - C. 627-632.
- Kryuchenko Yu. V., Korbutyak D. V. Excitonic emission of hybrid nanosystem "spherical semiconductor quantum dot + spherical metal nanoparticle". - C. 633-647.
- Bondar N. V., Brodyn M. S., Matveevskaya N. A. Quantum-size effect and exciton percolation in porous and disordered films on the basis of spherical "core/Shell" elements. - C. 648-655.
- Ponezha E. A. Relaxation times and correlation functions under the influence of cross-correlated colored noises for the model of resonant tunneling. - C. 656-663.
- Kuzmichev V. E., Kuzmichev V. V. The expanding universe: change of regime. - C. 664-674.
- To the 90-th anniversary of Dmitrii Vasil’evich Volkov’s birthday. - C. 675-677.