Ukrainian journal of physics. 2016, 61 (7) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2016. Вип. 7 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Abrosimov V. I., Davidovskaya O. I. Residual interaction effect on isoscalar dipole modes in Heavy nuclei. - C. 565-571.
- Mel'nyk D. B., Yashchuk V. M., Naumenko A. P., Gerasyov A. O., Kachkovski O. D. Violation of ideal polymethine state in merocyanines with a long chromophore. - C. 572-577.
- Herashchenko S. S., Makhlaj V. A., Aksenov N. N., Garkusha I. E., Byrka O. V., Kulik N. V., Chebotarev V. V., Staltsov V. V. Erosion of the combined three-dimensional tungsten target under the impacts of QSPA Kh-50 powerful plasma streams. - C. 578-582.
- Bulavin L. A., Vergun L. Yu., Zabashta Yu. F., Ogorodnik K. O. Saccharide solutions under the magnetic field action. - C. 583-587.
- Lysenko I. O. Analysis of the formation of stationary patterns at the Ion sputtering within the anisotropic Kuramoto–Sivashinsky model. - C. 588-596.
- Baran O. R., Verkholyak T. M. Two-dimensional spin-1/2J1 – J'1 – J2 heisenberg model within Jordan–Wigner transformation. - C. 597-605.
- Krymus A. S., Myronchuk G. L., Parasyuk O. V. Influence of Cu-, Sn-, and In-doping on optical properties of AgGaGe3 Se8 single crystals. - C. 606-612.
- Braiorr-Orrs B., Weyrauch M., Rakov M. V. Numerical studies of entanglement properties in one- and two-dimensional quantum ising and XXZ models. - C. 613-626.
- Teslenko V. I., Petrov E. G. Regularization of environment-induced transitions in nanoscopic systems. - C. 627-647.
- Grytsay V. I. Self-organization and chaos in the metabolism of hemo-stasis in a blood vessel. - C. 648-655.