Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. 2017, 89 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian Biochemical Journal 2017. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Babenko L. M., Shcherbatiuk M. M., Skaterna T. D., Kosakivska I. V. Lipoxygenases and their metabolites in formation of plant stress tolerance. - C. 5-21.
- Galkin O. Yu., Besarab A. B., Lutsenko T. N. Characteristics of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of IgG antibodies specific to Сhlamydia trachomatis heat shock protein (HSP-60). - C. 22-30.
- Virych P. A., Shelyuk O. V., Kabanova T. A., Khalimova E. I., Martynyuk V. S., Pavlovsky V. I., Andronati S. A. Effect of 3-substituted 1,4-benzodiazepin-2-ones on bradykinin-induced smooth muscle contraction. - C. 31-37.
- Minchenko O. H., Garmash I. A., Minchenko D. O., Kuznetsova A. Y., Ratushna O. O. Inhibition of IRE1 modifies hypoxic regulation of G6PD, GPI, TKT, TALDO1, PGLS and RPIA genes expression in U87 glioma cells. - C. 38-49.
- Holota Yu. V., Holubenko O. O., Ostapchuk A. M., Serhiychuk T. M., Zakordonets L. V., Tolstanova G. M. Fecal short-chain fatty acids at different time points after ceftriaxone administration in rats. - C. 50-58.
- Pismenetskaya I. U., Butters T. D. Serum glycomarkers of endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomal-endosomal system stress in human healthy aging and diseases. - C. 59-70.
- Suleimanova R. R., Hudz E. А., Melnychuk D. О., Kalachniuk L. H. Age-related changes of phospholipids in sterlet liver and dorsal muscles. - C. 71-75.
- Rudnytska M. V., Palladina T. A. Effect of preparations methyure and ivine on Са2+-ATPases activity in plasma and vacuolar membrane of corn seedling roots under salt stress conditions. - C. 76-81.
- Lutsenko T. N., Kovalenko M. V., Galkin O. Yu. Validation of biological activity testing procedure of recombinant human interleukin-7. - C. 82-89.
- Виноградова Р. П., Данилова В. М., Юрасова С. П. Науково-практична діяльність відділу біохімії м’язів Інституту біохімії ім. О. В. Палладіна НАН України. - C. 90-101.
- Directions for authors. - C. 102-105.
- Правила для авторів. - C. 106-109.