Ukrainian journal of physics. 2017, 62 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2017. Вип. 6 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Vasilevsky V. S., Takibayev N. Zh., Duisenbay A. D. Microscopic description of 8Li and 8B nuclei within a three-cluster model. - C. 461-472.
- Davidovskaya O. I., Denisov V. Yu., Nesterov V. A. Effective nucleus-nucleus potential with the contribution of the kinetic energy of nucleons, and the cross-sections of elastic scattering and subbarrier fusion. - C. 473-480.
- Starkov V. N., Borshch A. A., Gandzha I. S., Tomchuk P. M. Some examples of seemingly plausible interpretation of experimental results. - C. 481-488.
- Fedorovich O. A., Voitenko L. M. Lifetime of electrons in dense plasma. - C. 489-494.
- Cherniak O. M., Zasenko V. I. Finite Larmor radius effects on a test-particle diffusion. - C. 495-501.
- Bulavin L. A., Alekseev O. M., Zabashta Yu. F., Kovalov K. M., Lazarenko M. M., Tkachov S. Yu. Phase transitions at dehydration of glucose. - C. 502-507.
- Nazarenko A. V., Blavatska V. Asymmetric random walk in a one-dimensional multizone environment. - C. 508-517.
- Shygorin P. P., Svidzynskyi A. V., Materian I. O. Calculation of Josephson current in a two-barrier tunnel junction. - C. 518-525.
- Evtukh A., Litovchenko V., Strikha M., Kurchak A., Yilmazoglu O., Hartnagel H. Conductive nanorods in DLC films caused by carbon transformation. - C. 526-532.
- Ushcats M. V., Bulavin L. A., Sysoev V. M., Ushcats S. Yu. Lattice gas condensation and its relation to the divergence of virial expansions in the powers of activity. - C. 533-538.
- Chanyal B. C. A complete set of conservation laws of dyons with the Clifford-octonion algebra. - C. 539-544.
- Kuzmichev V. E., Kuzmichev V. V. Behavior of the gravitational system close to the Planсk epoch. - C. 545-553.