Journal of thermoelectricity. 2012 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of thermoelectricity 2012. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Baranskii P. I., Haidar G. P. Some thermoelectric features of conventional and transmutation doped silicon crystals. - C. 5-12.
- Sinyavsky E. P., Solovenko V. G., Karapetyan S. A. ThermoEMF in Bi nanowires in the transverse constant electric field. - C. 13-17.
- Zemskov V. S., Shelimova L. E., Konstantinov P. P., Avilov E. S., Kretova M. A., Nikhezina I. Yu. Structural peculiarities and thermoelectric properties of layered chalcogenides with complex crystal lattices and a low thermal conductivity. - C. 18-28.
- Marianchuk P. D., Andruschak G. O., Maistruk E. V. Thermoelectric figure of merit of Hg1-xMnxS, Hg1-x-уMnxFeyS and Hg1-xMnxTe1-zSz crystals. - C. 29-33.
- Kavei G. Novel method for power generation from waste heat via thermoelectric foam. - C. 34-40.
- Kulbachinskii V. A., Kytin V. G., Kudryashov A. A., Lostak P. Thermoelectric figure of merit of single crystals p-(BixSb1-x)2-ySnyTe3 in wide temperature range. - C. 41-46.
- Yangthaisong A. Electronic structure and prediction of thermoelectric properties of CuBO2. - C. 47-52.
- Anatychuk L. I., Mikityuk P. D. Small-size thermoelectric current source of single action. - C. 53-57.
- Cherkez R. G. Staged permeable thermoelectric cooling thermopile. - C. 58-64.
- Anatychuk L. I., Lysko V. V. Investigation of the effect of radiation on the precision of thermal conductivity measurement by the absolute method. - C. 65-73.
- Korzhuev M. A., Granatkina Yu. V. Some "bottlenecks” in the vehicular thermoelectric generators and a search for new materials to eliminate them. - C. 74-88.
- Jonas Jono Gradauskas (Dedicated to 50th birthday). - C. 89.
- Takenobu Kajikawa (Dedicated to 70th birthday). - C. 90.