Вестник зоологии. 2016, 50 (3) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Вестник зоологии 2016. Вип. 3 |
- Title, contents.
- Korneyev V. A. New Taxa and Synonymy in the Family Pyrgotidae (Diptera, Tephritoidea). II. Subtribe Adapsilina and Afrotropical Campylocera. - C. 195–218.
- Korneyev S. V., Klasa A. New Records and a Revised Checklist of Fruit Flies of the Genus Tephritis (Diptera, Tephritidae) from Ukraine. - C. 219–224.
- Nekrasova O. D., Kostiushyn V. A. Current Distribution of the Introduced Rock Lizards of the Darevskia (Saxicola) Complex (Sauria, Lacertidae, Darevskia) in Zhytomyr Region (Ukraine). - C. 225–230.
- Vlaschenko A., Hukov V., Naglov A., Prylutska A., Kravchenko K., Rodenko O. Contribution to Ecology of Brandt’s Bat, Myotis brandtii (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae), in the North-Eastern Ukraine: Comparison of Local Summer and Winter Bat Assamblages. - C. 231–240.
- Plyha A. V. Ornithocenosis Structure in Fresh and Wet Sudubravas of Kyiv Polissya During the Breeding Period. - C. 241–250.
- Zimaroeva А. A., Zhukov O. V., Ponomarenko O. L. Determining Spatial Parameters of the Ecological Niche of Parus major (Passeriformes, Paridae) on the Base of Remote Sensing Data. - C. 251–258.
- Chaplygina A. B., Yuzyk D. I. The Analysis of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Eggs of Collared Fly-catchers, Ficedula albicollis (Passeriformes, Muscicapidae), and Tits, Parus major, Parus caeruleus (Passeriformes, Paridae), in Different Areas of North-Eastern Ukraine. - C. 259–266.
- Marusik Y. M., Zamani A. A New Species of Sahastata (Aranei, Filistatidae) from Southern Iran. - C. 267–270.
- Perkovsky E. E. Rovno Amber Ant Assemblage: Bias Toward Arboreal Strata or Sampling Effect?. - C. 271–274.
- Govorin I. A. The Mass-Dimension Relationships in the Mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mollusca, Bivalvia) from Diff erent Phenotypical Groups in Periphyton Populations near Odessa Coast, the North-Western Part of Black Sea. - C. 275–278.
- Artemieva E. A., Mishchenko A. V., Makarov D. K. Genetic Divergence of the Species of the Yellow Wagtails Group (Passeriformes, Motacillidae) in European Territory of Russia. - C. 279–282.
- Akimov I. A., Boyarchuk V. P. Mykhaylo Anatolievich Voinstvensky (1916–1996). - C. 283–284.