Ukrainian journal of physics. 2018, 63 (12) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2018. Вип. 12 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Abrosimov V. I., Davydovska O. I. Nature of isoscalar dipole resonances in heavy nuclei. - C. 1043-1049.
- Gomonai A. I., Gomonai A. N. Three-photon resonance ionization spectroscopy of excited even-parity states of the samarium atom. - C. 1050-1056.
- Kovtun Yu. V., Siusko Y. V., Skibenko E. I., Skibenko A. I. Experimental study of inhomogeneous reflex-discharge plasma using microwave refraction interferometry. - C. 1057-1065.
- Ushcats S. Yu., Ushcats M. V., Sysoev V. M., Gavryushenko D. A. Approximation of cluster integrals for various lattice-gas models. - C. 1066-1075.
- Malomuzh M. P. Nature of self-diffusion in fluids. - C. 1076-1087.
- Boichuk V. I., Leshko R. Ya., Karpyn D. S. The effect of shallow impurities on the light absorption by the nanocrystals CdS. - C. 1088-1094.
- Kras’ko M. M., Kolosiuk A. G., Voitovych V. V., Povarchuk V. Yu., Roguts’kyi I. S. Influence of divacancy-oxygen defects on recombination properties of n-Si subjected to irradiation and subsequent annealing. - C. 1095-1104.
- Pipa V. I., Liptuga A. I. Rotation of a thin heated plate by its own thermal radiation. - C. 1105-1108.
- Gasanov Kh. A., Guseinov J. I., Abbasov I. I., Mamedov F. I., Askerov D. J. Dielectric function of a quantum-confined thin film with a modified Pöschel–Teller potential. - C. 1109-1112.
- Bulavin L., Cholpan P., Zabashta Yu., Kulish M., Chalyi O., Sysoev V., Poperenko L., Alekseev O., Malomuzh M., Svechnikova O., Moskalenko Yu., Khorolskyi O. Oleksandr Panteleimonovych Rudenko (to the 80th an-niversary of his birthday). - C. 1113-1114.
- Author’s Index to the 63rd Volume of "Ukrainian Journal of Physics” for 2018. - C. 1115-1123.
- Subject Index to the 63rd Volume of "Ukrainian Journal of Physics” for 2018. - C. 1124-1129.