Ukrainian journal of physics. 2019, 64 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2019. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Zavilopulo A., Shpenik O. Electron-impact mass spectrometry of PTCDA molecules in the gas phase. - C. 3-10.
- Majeed F. A., Mahdi F. A. Quantum mechanical calculations of a fusion reaction for some selected halo systems. - C. 11-18.
- Skurativskyi S. I., Skurativska I. A. Solutions of the model of liquid and gas filtration in the elastic mode with dynamic filtration law. - C. 19-26.
- Antia A. D., Okon I. B., Umoren E. B., Isonguyo C. N. Relativistic study of the spinless salpeter equation with a modified hylleraas potential. - C. 27-33.
- Bulavin L. A., Zabashta Yu. F., Vergun L. Yu., Svechnikova O. S., Yefimenko A. S. Interfacial layers and the shear Elasticity of the collagen–water system. - C. 34-40.
- Neimash V. B., Kupianskyi H. D., Olkhovyk I. V., Styopkin V. I., Lytvynchuk P. M., Povarchuk V. Yu., Roguts’kyi I. S., Furmanov Yu. A., Titarenko S. M. Formation of silver nanoparticles in PVA-PEG hydrogel under electron irradiation. - C. 41-47.
- Lev B. I., Zagorodny A. G. Collective diffusion of colloidal particles in a liquid crystal. - C. 48-55.
- Sai P. O., Safryuk-Romanenko N. V., But D. B., Cywiński G., Boltovets N. S., Brunkov P. N., Jmeric N. V., Ivanov S. V., Shynkarenko V. V. Features of the formation of ohmic contacts to n+-InN. - C. 56-62.
- Golovanova V. V., Nazarchuk B. V., Postnyi O. V., Rantala T. T., Tkachenko N. V., Golovanov V. V. Photoreactions of macrocyclic dyes on (1010) wurtzite surface – interplay between conformation and electronic effects. - C. 63-71.
- Kuyliev B. T., Jumaboev A. J., Khushvaktov Kh. A., Meyliev L. O., Absonov A. A., Hudoyberdiev B. G. Calculated spectra of hydrocarbon components of natural gas. - C. 72-78.
- Tan’shyna A. Titans of Ukraine. UPTI–laboratory No. 1–KhPTI. - C. 79-89.