Economic annals-XXI. 2018 (169) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Economic annals-XXI 2018. Вип. 169 |
- Title, contents.
- Dudić B., Dudić Z., Smoleň J., Mirković V. Support for foreign direct investment inflows in Serbia. - C. 4-11.
- Lipková L., Hovorková K. Economic situation in Norway after the outbreak of the global financial and oil crises in the context of EU integration trends. - C. 12-14.
- Wahyudi S., Najmudin Laksana R. D., Rachmawati R. Assessing the contagion effect on herding behaviour under segmented and integrated stock markets circumstances in the USA, China, and ASEAN-5. - C. 15-20.
- Stecenko I., Lin Ch. F. J. The assessment of the impact of small and medium-sized enterprises on the manufacturing sector in Taiwan and Latvia: a comparative analysis. - C. 21-25.
- Papula J., Kohnova L., Papulova Z. Impact of national culture on innovation activities of companies: a case of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. - C. 26-30.
- Mahmood H., Alkahtani N. S. Human resource, financial market development and economic growth in Saudi Arabia: a role of human capital. - C. 31-34.
- Оliskevych М., Tokarchuk V. Dynamic modelling of nonlinearities in the behaviour of labour market indicators in Ukraine and Poland. - C. 35-39.
- Watkins M., Ziyadin S., Imatayeva A., Kurmangalieva A., Blembayeva A. Digital tourism as a key factor in the development of the economy. - C. 40-45.
- Sodoma R., Skhidnytskа H., Shvorak A., Shmatkovska T., Zhurakovska I. Peculiarities of agrarian receipts as a modern financial tool. - C. 46-49.
- Pysar N., Dergacheva V., Bandura A., Pásztorová J. Composite fuel poverty index as a means to assess energy security of the country. - C. 50-56.
- Pavlenko I., Shibaykin V., Tverdova I., Marakova A. Business mechanism of innovation-driven development of the agricultural market infrastructure. - C. 57-61.
- Frankovský M., Birknerová Z., Zbihlejová L., Medviď M. Social intelligence in the cultural context: comparison of Ukrainian and Slovak managers. - C. 62-66.
- Ivashchenko A., Polishchuk Ye., Britchenko I. Implementation of ICO European best practices by SMEs. - C. 67-71.
- Linh D. H., Trung N. T., Thanh V. D. Barbell strategy with bond portfolios: theory review and empirical study with government bond portfolios of Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank in 2018. - C. 72-76.
- Tomchuk O., Lepetan I., Zdyrko N., Vasa L. Environmental activities of agricultural enterprises: accounting and analytical support. - C. 77-83.
- Tretiak O., Toryanyk V., Mikheichenko M., Nikulin A. The economic public sphere: theoretical substantiation and structural construction. - C. 84-88.