Ukrainian journal of physics. 2019, 64 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2019. Вип. 2 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Olimov Kh. K., Olimov K., Tojimamatov Sh. D., Olimov A. K., Bozorov E. Kh., Lutpullaev S. L., Kanokova Sh. Z., Aliev M., Fazilov M., YuldashevB. S. Centrality dependences of characteristics of negative pions in ?π– + 12C interactions at 40 GeV/c. - C. 93-99.
- Kuzmichev V. E., Kuzmichev V. V. Generalized uncertainty principle in quantum cosmology for the maximally symmetric space. - C. 100-108.
- Romanenko V. I., Kornilovska N. V., Udovytska O. G., Yatsenko L. P. Spatial distribution of atoms in the field of intersecting standing bichromatic light waves. - C. 109-119.
- Kravchenko V. M., Rud Yu. P., Buchatski L. P., Stepanenko Ye. Yu., Gryn D. V., Yashchuk V. M. Spectroscopic studies of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus, its major capsid protein, and RNA. - C. 120-125.
- Lesnikov V. P. Reciprocal relations for the open hydrodynamic steady states (OHSS). - C. 126-130.
- Gnatenko Kh. P. Harmonic oscillator chain in noncommutative phase space with rotational symmetry. - C. 131-136.
- Vasilev A. N., Serhushev B. Y. Peculiarities of bacterial chemotaxis in a cylindrical pore. - C. 137-142.
- Chechko V. E., Gotsulskiys V. Ya., Diieva T. V. Qualitative analysis of clustering in aqueous alcohol solutions. II. - C. 143-150.
- Luniov S. V., Zimych A. I., Khvyshchun M. V., Maslyuk V. T., Megela I. G. Features of radiation-defect annealing in n-Ge single crystals irradiated with high-energy electrons. - C. 151-156.
- Hashim A., Al-Attiyah K. H. H., Obaid S. F. Fabrication of novel (biopolymer blend-lead oxide nanoparticles) nanocomposites: Structural and optical properties for low-cost nuclear radiation shielding. - C. 157-163.
- Orletskyi I. G., Ilashchuk M. I., Maistruk E. V., Solovan M. M., Maryanchuk P. D., Nichyi S. V. Electrical properties of Sis heterostructures n-SnS2/CdTeO3/p-CdZnTe. - C. 164-172.
- Gomonnai O. O., Ludemann M., Gomonnai A. V., Roman I. Yu., Slivka A. G., Zahn D. R. T. Temperature dependence of raman-active modes of TlIn(0.95Se0.05)2 Single. - C. 173-178.