Biotechnologia Acta. 2018, 11 (6) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Biotechnologia Acta 2018. Вип. 6 |
- Title.
- Content.
- Klyuchko O. M. Electronic expert systems for biology and medicine. - C. 5-28.
- Turov V. V., Krupska T. V., Golovan А. P., Аndriyko L. S., Ostrovska G. V., Kalmykova О. O., Jovaisas P., Bieliauskiene R., Кartel М. Т Influence of environment and hydrophobic silica on water binding in composites containing milled medical plants. - C. 29-38.
- Kotinskyi A. V., Salyuk A. I. , Zhadan S. A. The influence of exogenous glycine on growth and cyanobacteria Spirulina рlatensis (Gom.) Geitl. photosynthetic processes. - C. 39-46.
- Golub N. B., Tsvetkovych M., Levtun I. I., Maksyn V. I. Nanostructured ferric citrate effect on Chlorella vulgaris development. - C. 47-54.
- Blaydа I. A., Vasylieva N. Yu., Vasylieva T. V., Sliusarenko L. I., Dzhambek O. I. Optimization of the coal bacterial desulfurization using mathematical methods. - C. 55-66.
- Demchenko D. L. Ability of thymic MSCs and their derivatives to interact with the cells of lymphoid origin. - C. 67-72.
- Tashyrev O. B., Sioma I. B., Tashyreva G. O., Hovorukha V. M. Natural and synthetic solid carriers in flow module for microbial sewage filtrate purification. - C. 73-81.
- Pirog T. P., Lutsai D. A., Antonuk S. I., Elperin I. V. The properties of surfactants synthesized by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus ІMV В-7241 on refined and sunflower oil waste. - C. 82-91.