Journal of mechanical engineering. 2019, 22 (2) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Journal of mechanical engineering 2019. Вип. 2 |
- Титул.
- Зміст.
- Tarelin A. O., Annopolska I. Ye. Wet Steam Flow Ionization and Prospects to Practically Apply Electrical Discharge Devices in Turbo Installation. - C. 4-13.
- Chernousenko O. Yu., Ryndyuk D. V., Peshko V. A. Re-Extension of 200 MW Turbine Cast Casing Service. - C. 14-20.
- Kuznetsov M. A., Tarasova V. A., Kharlampidi D. Kh. Method for the Optimal Design of Vacuum-Evaporative Heat Pumps. - C. 21-31.
- Degtyarev M. A., Danchenko V. G., Shapoval A. V., Avramov K. V. Experimental Strength Analysis of Variable Stiffness Waffel-Grid Cylindrical Compartments. Part 2. Analysis Results. - C. 31-36.
- Koliadiuk A. S., Shulzhenko M. H. Thermal and Stress State of the Steam Turbine Control Valve Casing, with the Turbine Operation in the Stationary Modes. - C. 37-44.
- Miroshnikov V. Yu. Investigation of the Stress Strain State of the Layer with a Longitudinal Cylindrical Thick-Walled Tube and the Displacements Given at the Boundaries of the Layer. - C. 44-52.
- Zevin L. I., Krol H. H. Calculation of Indicators of Reliability of Technical Systems by the Typical Structural Scheme Method. - C. 53-59.
- Mir-Salim-zade M. V. Minimization of the Stressed State of a Stringer Plate with a Hole and Rectilinear Cracks. - C. 59-69.
- Avramenko A. M., Lievtierov A. M., Bhantsev V. M., Hladkova N. Yu., Kirieieva V. M. Prospects of Using Hydrogen Microaddition to Improve Diesel Engine Ecological Indicators. - C. 70-75.