Economic annals-XXI. 2019 (175) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Economic annals-XXI 2019. Вип. 175 |
- Title, contents.
- Pyrih I., Bidniak H., Pletenets V. Armed conflicts in the economic, social and legal context of the present: causes, regularities and contradictions. - C. 4-9.
- Tretiak O., Negodchenko V., Toryanyk V., Cap A. Economic policy-makers and economic experts in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe: ways of interaction. - C. 10-17.
- Almási B. Z., Zéman Z. Macroeconomic growth in business valuation. - C. 18-23.
- Storonyanska I., Hrynchyshyn I., Dub A., Horga I. Fiscal decentralization in Europe in the context of social protection development. - C. 24-28.
- Dziubanovska N. Multifactor models for studying the EU countries’ international trade. - C. 29-34.
- Romanova A. Tourists from Canada as priority customers of the Ukrainian tourism product. - C. 35-39.
- Hamulczuk M., Makarchuk O., Galchynska J. Linkage of grain prices in Ukraine with the world crude oil prices. - C. 40-44.
- Seheda S., Datsenko G., Otkalenko O., Musil P. The agrarian food consumption in Ukraine and its association with socio-demographic indicators of human development. - C. 45-52.
- Zveryakov M., Kovalenko V., Sheludko S., Sharah E. FinTech sector and banking business: competition or symbiosis?. - C. 53-57.
- Krasnokutska N., Kruhlova O., Kozub V., Martíšková P. Transparency of the enterprise: from theory to practice of evaluation (on the example of retail networks). - C. 58-62.
- Slaba M. Consumer behaviour regarding branded and non-branded goods on the mobile phone market: impact of experience, price and loyalty. - C. 63-67.
- Boiko V., Kwilinski A., Misiuk M., Boiko L. Competitive advantages of wholesale markets of agricultural products as a type of entrepreneurial activity: the experience of Ukraine and Poland. - C. 68-72.