Economic annals-XXI. 2019 (176) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Economic annals-XXI 2019. Вип. 176 |
- Title, contents.
- Ishchenko I., Bashkeieva O., Petrov P. Empirical model of congruence of mental space as a tool for the analysis of changes in international relations. - C. 4-12.
- Popova N., Kataiev A., Skrynkovskyy R., Nevertii A. Development of trust marketing in the digital society. - C. 13-25.
- Shkarlet S., Dubyna M., Vovk V., Noga M. Financial service markets of Eastern Europe: a compositional model. - C. 26-37.
- Lentner Cs., Vasa L., Kolozsi P. P., Zéman Z. New dimensions of internal controls in banking after the GFC. - C. 38-48.
- Vozniuk A., Tytko A. Cryptocurrency: present-day challenges and prospects of development. - C. 49-55.
- Tleppayev A. Digitalisation and energy: world experience and evidence of correlation from Kazakhstan. - C. 56-64.
- Voloshyna S., Provolotska O., Lazaryshyna I., Nieizviestna O., Skliar N. Analytical assessment of the jewellery market in Ukraine. - C. 65-79.
- Popov A., Koshkalda I., Kniaz O., Trehub O. Land fragmentation of agricultural enterprises in the context of administration of land. - C. 80-90.
- Berková K., Krpálek P., Krpálková Krelová K. Future economic professionals: development of practical skills and competencies in higher education from the point of view of international employers. - C. 91-98.
- Derenska Ya. Approaches to project portfolio formation by pharmaceutical products producers. - C. 99-108.
- Slaba M. Factors influencing customer loyalty towards mobile phones brands - evidence from the Czech market. - C. 109-117.
- Grosu V., Anisie L., Hrubliak O., Ratsa A. Managerial accounting solutions: Lean Six Sigma application in the woodworking industry. A Practical aspect. - C. 118-130.