Ukrainian journal of physics. 2020, 65 (1) АРХІВ (Всі випуски) 
 | Ukrainian journal of physics 2020. Вип. 1 |
- Title.
- Contents.
- Hasan A. K., Obeed F. H., Rahim A. N. Positive parity levels of 21,23Na isotopes by using the nuclear shell. - C. 3-11.
- Borovik V., Hrytsko V., Shafranyosh I., Borovik O. Electron-impact excitation of the 5p55d6s2 autoionizing states in Ba atom. - C. 12-16.
- Licata I. Quantum mechanics interpretation on Planck scale. - C. 17-30.
- Gotsulskyi V. Ya., Malomuzh N. P., Chechko V. E. Extraordinary properties of alcohols from the homologous series of methanol. - C. 31-40.
- Khorolskyi O. V., Moskalenko Yu. D. Calculation of the macromolecular size of bovine serum albumin from the viscosity of its aqueous solutions. - C. 41-49.
- Alekseev O. M., Zabashta Yu. F., Kovalchuk V. I., Lazarenko M. M., Rudnikov E. G., Bulavin L. A. Structural transition in dilute solutions of rod-like macromolecules. - C. 50-54.
- Pogodin A. I., Luchynets M. M., Studenyak V. I., Kokhan O. P., Studenyak I. P., Kúš P. Electrical conductivity studies of Composites based on (Cu1–xAgx)7GeSe5I solid solutions. - C. 55-60.
- Bobkov V. V., Tishchenko L. P., Kovtunenko Yu. I., Staro-voytov R. I., Logachev Yu. E., Tsapenko A. B., Gamayunova L. A. Implantation of Dduterium and helium ions into a tungsten-c oated composite structures. - C. 61-74.
- Zavalistyi O. I., Makarenko O. V., Odarych V. A., Yampolskyi A. L. The structure of oxide film on the porous silicon surface. - C. 75-81.
- Korsun I. V. Contribution of ukrainian sientists to the development of electrodynamics. - C. 82-92.
- In memory of Volodymyr Mykhailovych Sysoev (1948–2019). - C. 93-94.